Friday, October 30, 2009

Assignment for October 30

Well, here we are. It's our last day in this study. I hope you have been able to glean something from this that will help improve your walk with God. We will be taking a break until January (assuming you will want to return then) but I encourage you to use this time to pursue some other study that interests you and not just take a break totally. I know that's tough for you young moms but if you have learned nothing else from this study you should have learned that you CAN find a few minutes each day to study if you are really committed to doing so. Thank you for all your answers and comments.

Lesson Ten Day Five

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Assignment for October 29

Happy Thursday! Only today and tomorrow left in this study. I want to thank you all for hanging in there with me. We will officially be taking a break after this study until January. Please look around to see if there is anything you would like to study - even if it is just a topic. I will be doing the same. If in January you find you are not really motivated to continue just let me know. Meanwhile...

Lesson Ten, Day Four

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Assignment for October 28

OK, Ann. It's your turn to enlighten us. :) Today is not an overly long assignment. I'm curious to know what surprises you find.

Lesson Ten, Day Three

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Assignment for October 27

It's terrific Tuesday! Now that we have read the small book of Philemon, it's time to start breaking it down and asking questions.

Lesson Ten, Day Two

Monday, October 26, 2009

Assignment for October 26

This is our last week in this study. I hope you all will blog every day to let me know you are still with us. I have an extra assignment for you. Over the last couple of weeks I have asked for input for our next study and have not received any. At this point I am interpreting that to mean it may be time for a break. It would be helpful if you would let me know your thoughts about this. I would also like to know from which of our studies so far you have benefitted most so I have an idea of what author we might use in the future. If we take a break, I'm thinking we would start again after the holidays in January. ANY input would be appreciated!!

For myself, I have not enjoyed this particular author as much as the others. I am not exactly sure why - it may just be that at this point in my life I haven't found Colossians to be as inspiring as I did Proverbs for whatever reason, and that's probably because I didn't have such sore toes throughout the study. lol There have been some days I have particularly enjoyed, but for the most part I have found it a little dull - not Colossians, but this author's approach. Now if you have found it to be just the opposite, please let me know. We are all different ladies with different needs and personalities and at different points in our lives.

This week we will be looking at Philemon, a short book but full of interesting things. Today's assignment is to just read the book so there are no answers to post. Just let me know you did it.

Lesson Ten, Day One

Friday, October 23, 2009

Assignment for October 23

Good Friday to you all! Today brings a short assignment but I hope you all have time to complete it. Kudos to Ann who is, I believe, the most consistent poster this time around. I appreciate her effort and encouragement, as I do all of your posts and comments. It's a busy time, isn't it? I hope you all find at least a few minutes each day to read, pray, and meditate on the big picture to help you with the little pictures in your life.

Lesson Nine, Day Five

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Assignment for October 22

We are nearly done with Colossians, ladies. Thanks for sticking with us through the study and for your posts. Today's lesson takes a look at what Paul has left us. He really was an amazing man but, in my opinion, the most amazing thing about him was the way he completely surrendered his life and will to God.

Lesson Nine, Day Four

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Assignment for October 21

Wednesday is here! Today we are going to take some time to look at the people mentioned in this chapter. Paul was not alone in his mission to preach to the Gentiles. God provided him with many good friends to encourage, support, and help him along the way. God does the same for us. As you work through today's lesson, spend a couple of minutes thinking about the support group God has provided you and thank Him.

Lesson Nine Day Three

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Assignment for October 20

Good morning or afternoon or evening!

Yesterday's lesson was a little long. Today's is short. Feel free to post any prayer requests that are appropriate to share so we can all pray together.

Lesson Nine, Day Two

Monday, October 19, 2009

Assignment for October 19

Good morning, fellow students,

I am up and beginning to function again. Yea! I am hoping to hear from you about possible material for our next study during this week. There is a book from an author we used previously about the nature of God that would work and I'm sure there are many others so let me know if you have a suggestion or preference and I'll start making plans.

Week Nine, Day One

Friday, October 16, 2009

Assignment for October 16

Friday, Friday. And the Ladies' Retreat! I hope you all have a chance to post today as I know it will be a busy one for many of you. It's not a large assignment today - just a prayer. Friday ladies, you don't need to actually post your prayer unless you want to. You might just give us ideas on how to apply these principles to various relationships.

Lesson Eight, Day Five

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Assignment for October 15

What happened to my Wednesday ladies? I heard from Trudy who is still doing the lessons daily but can't seem to connect with a computer to post.

Today we continue our look at household commands - this time with master/slave and parent/child relationships. Now, not too many of you are masters, although your children might disagree about that, but many of you ARE parents so there are things we may be able to apply today.

Lesson Eight Day Four

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Assignment for October 14

Now we get down to what it looks like to be clothed in righteousness as a wife. I don't think this will cause any of us any problems, but it is definately a challenge to many women outside Christ.

Lesson Eight Day Three

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Assignment for October 13

Happy Tuesday, ladies. Today we look at what the author calls "household rules." Wearing our new clothes involves walking worthy of our calling. These "rules" teach us what that looks like.

Lesson Eight, Day Two

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Assignment for October 12

This week we will be looking at applications from the principles we have examined so far. This could be interesting....

Week Eight, Day One

Friday, October 9, 2009

Assignment for October 9

We are new creatures with new clothes. How does that look to God? He says we are beautiful. That's pretty cool.

Lesson Six Day Five

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Assignment for October 8

Thursday again! Are you ready for the day? Are you remembering you are a new creature?

Lesson Six, Day Four

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Assignment for October 7

Yesterday we looked at the old self - not a pretty picture. Today we look at the new self - a beautiful creation. Believing what God says about our new selves is sometimes hard for us, but if we continue growing in knowledge and in our relationship with God, we can and will come to believe what He says and marvel at His love.

Lesson Six Day Three

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Assignment for October 6

I'm back on track and hope this post beats Julie. Today's lesson is a little longer as we take a few moments to look at the old self and what we are supposed to do with it.

By the way, ladies. We are over half way through this study already. Be thinking about ideas for the next one!

Lesson Six Day Two

Monday, October 5, 2009

Assignment for October 5

Good morning! I almost forgot to post this morning. Something about a birthday party and a busy weekend has me running behind this morning so I haven't looked at the lesson yet, but will check in again later. You know what to do...

Week Seven, Day One

Friday, October 2, 2009

Assignment for October 2

We are finishing up another lesson today. Thinking about what it means to have my life hidden in Christ has been good for me. It's too bad that the physical things are so distracting - but it's great to know that they don't have to be. Just keep that focus....

Lesson Six Day Five

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Assignment for October 1

Welcome to October. The days are cooler and it feels nice to curl up with your Bible and meditate on God's blessings. Today we think about what it means to be hidden with Christ - a comforting thought indeed!

Lesson Six, Day Four

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Assignment for September 30

Julie has already beat me this morning and had to post on yesterday's assignment. sigh Julie, Julie, Julie... hahaha

We continue one with our little section today. Did you spend a little more of the day yesterday thinking about things above?

Lesson Six, Day Three

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Assignment for September 29

I enjoyed your comments yesterday, ladies. Sarah J., setting your mind on things which are above is a life-long process. I believe it begins to happen somewhat naturally as we continue to study and become more like Christ but also takes self-discipline. As we live our lives we should always be remembering that because Christ IS our life we are becoming a living Christ on earth - a Christ in your situation. How would Christ look as a nurse? a mom? a housekeeper? a wife? an accountant? married to a difficult husband? a young woman? an older woman?

Today we look specifically at verse one and what it means to be raised with Christ.

Lesson Six, Day Two

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Assignment for September 28 it dawned on my Friday night as I was cuddled in between my two sleeping granddaughters that I had forgotten to post that day. I did my lesson...but forgot to post. Then when I checked the blog I found that none of the Friday people had blogged and I hoped it wasn't because I forgot to post. Feel free to post those answers on today's blog, you Friday ladies.

Today we slow down our pace a bit as we continue to work our way through the book of Colossians. We will spend a whole week looking at just a few verses so they can really sink in. There is a new memory work challenge today. Anyone up to it?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Assignment for September 24

Happy Thursday! Yesterday Sarah F posted her answers for the 18th so if you have time you might go back to read those. She did a great job.

Those of you who are working on the memory verse seem to be doing well!

On we go!

Lesson Five, Day Four

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Assignment for Septermber 23

Here we are at Wednesday and the longest lesson in the book. It's actually not all THAT long, but it is the longest, according to the author. Ann is VERY excited that she gets to blog on this day. I'm excited she gets to also! :)

Today we are looking at how we identify with Jesus. What things do we share? Good stuff!

Lesson Five, Day Three

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Assignment for September 22

Good morning everyone. I am giving you a heads-up that tomorrow's lesson is the longest one in the book so you might want to set aside extra time tomorrow or do some of it today. I looked at breaking it up for you but Thursday and Friday lessons are already pretty good size.

Today we look at some warnings Paul gives the Colossian Christians that equally apply to us today. Satan has so many ways to trip us up!

Lesson Five Day Two

Monday, September 21, 2009

Assignment for September 21

Good morning, ladies! Are you ready to start lesson 5? Yep, you are.

This week we venture into chapter two and start making some applications in our own lives. There is a memory work challenge in today's lesson. I'll make it optional, but I'd like to hear how many of you actually take the challenge.

Lesson Five, Day One

Friday, September 18, 2009

Assignment for September 18

Here we are at another Friday. I want to tell you all how much I am appreciating your comments. I know you are all busy ladies and that makes the time you spend with me here more precious.

Trudy called me yesterday to let me know that she isn't just sitting out on us. Unfortunately her computer is not hers but is her husband's work computer so it often disappears with him while he works. She IS doing her lessons and writing down her answers and feels bad that she can't always post like the rest of us. I encouraged her to go ahead and post her answers even if they are late, assuring her we can go back to look at them at that time. The same is true for all of you - if you miss your day to post answers and have them done, feel free to post them anyway. I am notified any time anyone posts on any post so I will always see them.

On we go with Paul's example today. He sets a high standard, doesn't he? I hope none of you are discouraged by that, but motivated to always try just a little harder to show your love to our Father.

Lesson Four Day Five

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Assignment for September 17

So it wasn't always easy for Paul. He really had to work at being the disciple he wanted to be. How can that help us? What can we apply to our lives from Paul's example?

Lesson Four Day Four

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Assignment for September 16

Paul seemed to always do what was right. Maybe for him it was easier than for me. Or maybe it was just his attitude....

Lesson Four, Day Three

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Assignment for September 15

Yesterday's reading challenged us a bit. Today we go forward to look at a few more passages to shed a little light on the subject.

Lesson Four, Day Two

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Assignment for September 14

Are you ready for our fourth lesson? This one will be about Paul - who was he? Just how committed was he to Jesus? and his fellow man? Paul is one of those biblical characters that seems to have very few flaws or weak moments. I'm sure we can learn a lot from Paul.

Lesson Four, Day One

Friday, September 11, 2009

Assignment for September 11

I'm sure some or all of you today may be thinking back to that fateful September 11 and remembering how you felt that day. One of the things for which I was thankful was that I have a relationship with God that brings me peace even in very troubled times. As we continue looking at Colossians 1 and venture into chapter 2 today we will spend some time thinking about the benefits and difficulties of continuing in the gospel. I'm looking forward, as always, to your comments, ladies.

Lesson Three, Day Five

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Assignment for September 24

To fully understand what Christ has done for us we need to think about how it was before Christ came into our lives and how it is now. What a contrast!

Lesson Three Day Four

Assignment for September 9

Now that we have spent a couple of days looking at Who Jesus is, we will look at what He has done. I am so thankful for what He has done, but I sometimes wonder just as the psalmist did why He was willing to sacrifice so much for us. I don't really understand it, but I'm very thankful He did and that He continues to be patient with us as we stumble along.

Lesson Three, Day Three

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Assignment for September

I hope you all had a relaxing holiday yesterday. On days like that we need to take time to be very thankful for all the physical blessings we have in this country. But the most important blessings we have are spiritual which we receive because of Jesus. Today we will continue to spend some time looking at who this amazing person is.

Lesson Three, Day Three

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Assignment for September 7

You probably noticed how prominent Jesus is in this first chapter of Colossians. Of COURSE - how could you miss it? So this week we will look at just what Paul had to say about Who Jesus is.

Lesson Three, Day One

Friday, September 4, 2009

Assignment for September 4

It's Friday again! We'll finish up our week by looking at how the gospel defined the lives of the Colossians and how it should define our lives.

Lesson Two, Day Five

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Assignment for September 3

While we are in Colossians 1, we are going to take a few minutes to study Paul's prayer. It's a great model for how to pray for others, reminding me of what my priorities should be.

Lesson Two, Day Four

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Assignment for September 2

Today we look at what Paul is referring to when he mentions the gospel in this book. I look forward to reading your answers and comments.

Lesson Two, Day Three

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Assignment for September 2

We looked yesterday at some of the main characters mentioned in Colossians. Today we will look at two really powerful characters also in this book. After finishing question 4 I couldn't help but feel really thankful. See if you feel the same.

Lesson Two, Day Two

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Assignment for August 31

Good morning, ladies! Today we start lesson two in our books and actually start digging into the book of Colossians. Make sure you continue to let me know when you have finished your lesson for the day - even if it is not your day to blog.

Lesson Two, Day One

Friday, August 28, 2009

August 28, a day to meditate

As you know, there really isn't an assignment as such for today in the book. So we will use this day to remind ourselves of what we have read this week and think of ways to make applications. No need to do any posting unless you have an "aha" moment and would like to share.

Next week we will start looking at the little parts that make up the whole. That should give us more discussion fodder.

Enjoy your weekend!

Lesson One Day Five

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Assignment for August 27

Hello, ladies!

Today will be a little different than usual because there is no written assignment or reading assignment for Friday. Today I want both the Thursday and Friday ladies to post their answers today.

Lesson One Day Four

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Assignment for August 26

Good morning, ladies (or afternoon or evening)!

Trudy is still with us but she downloaded a virus onto Jeff's computer so it is currently being fixed. She will continue to do the lessons and will rejoin us when the computer is back home.

Today as we continue looking at the book of Colossians as a unit, our author wants us to find its "shape." You might think of this as a brief outline or maybe a plot. If you have the right theme, it will all fit together. If it doesn't fit, you might reconsider your theme to try to make a better fit. Have fun!

Lesson One, Day Three

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Assignment for August 25

Good morning, ladies - especially you, Julie! I hope I beat you this morning. :)

Today we work on figuring out the main point of the book of Colossians. It's easy to get lost in all the verses so I think this is a great exercise. I'm interested to see what the Tuesday lady had to say, and of course to read any comments from the rest of you.

Lesson One, Day Two

Monday, August 24, 2009

Assignment for August 24

Aaaaaaarg! Julie beat me on our first day of the book. Well, that's what I get for sleeping in until 7. OK. The first assignment in the book is to read the book of Colossians, which we just did last week. The difference here is that today you do not stop to meditate on parts that seem difficult as you go. Just read it quicly. Look for the big message. When you have finished let me know how long it took you to do it - how many minutes.

Lesson 1 Day One

Friday, August 21, 2009

Assignment for August 21

It's Friday! Since we have finished reading Colossians and that is how our book starts, today's assignment is to read the introductory material in the book so we are ready to start on Monday. Friday people get the day off as far as questions are concerned. Everyone let me know you are reading so I know who to contact to remind them we start the book on Monday.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Assignment for August 20

Today we finish reading through the book of Colossians. Thursday bloggers choose a word to study and report back to us. We start the book on Monday!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Assignment for August 20

Today we read chapter 3. Same assignment: choose a word to study and let us know what you find.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Assignment for August 18

OK. So let's try it again. Today read chapter two and if it's your turn to blog, choose a word to look up and define it for us in your blog.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Assignment for Monday, August 17

Yea!!! We finally are able to start studying together again. To those of you who are new, feel free to post any comments or questions any day of the week. You are only REQUIRED to post on your day which is listed to the left. On your day you are to post the answers to the questions in the book or whatever the assignment for that day may be. If you have any questions, just ask or email me.

We are taking a week before we start the book to read through the book of Colossians. On your day to post, I would like you to choose one word to research from the day's reading and post what you have learned for the rest of us. You might include the reason you picked that word in your post.

Today's assignment is Colossians chapter one. Enjoy!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Assignment for Friday, July 10

Happy Friday! On our last day in this study we will be looking at victorious living. We have been richly blessed by our relationship with God. Today will remind us of how to fully enjoy those blessings.

Week Ten, Day Five

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, July 9

Only two days left, ladies. The prepost option has not been working and I will not be in town tomorrow morning so if there is no new post in the morning, just post on today's post instead.
This week has been good for me. I was thinking that maybe I need to start EVERY morning studying self-control or maybe put a big sign up on the refrigerator: You have self-control. lol So many times in our lives we forget that the battle is already won - we just need to believe it and act accordingly.

Week Ten, Day Four

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, July 8

I would expect someone with great wisdom to also have great self-control, but in reality that is not always the case. Today we will look at Solomon and what his lack of self-control did in his life.

Audrey's comment about having her toes stepped on so much in this study made me think about healing. As you all know, I am in the process of having my sprained shoulder fixed and the process so far has been VERY painful. Yesterday the chiropractor told me that I should expect things to feel worse before they got better. Today I feel like someone beat up my arm. But that is the way to full recovery. It's the same spiritually sometimes. Killing the flesh is just painful.

Week Ten, Day Three

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, July 7

Another day, another lesson. We are almost finished with this study. I would love to hear what has helped you most in this series so far.

Week Ten, Day Two

Monday, July 6, 2009

Assignment for Monday, July 6

Are you ready for this week, ladies? Self-control, the final subject, is often the hardest one for individuals to develop. I'm looking forward to learning what this author has to teach us.

After talking to a couple of you in person, I have decided that our next study will begin August 3. If you are interested in continuing with me in the interim between the this study and the next, let me know and if you have something you would like to study, let me know that too!

Week Ten, Day One

Friday, July 3, 2009

Assignment for Friday, July 3

I'm back. And today we finish up our study of gentleness. I will be sending out an email to the rest of the ladies at church to let them know we will be starting another study soon. Unless you all have an ideal starting time, I guess we will start after the books arrive. So we will only have about a week to two weeks down time. For those of you who don't really want a break, I will have interum assignments for you. We'll be using the book on Colossians/and the other book that I can't remember right now. (Yes, I still have a bit of brain fatique from that headache.) Let me know for sure if you will be participating so I know how many books to order.

Week Nine, Day Five

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, July 1

Can you believe it is already July!?! Well, it is.

I am appreciating the way the author is presenting gentleness. My dad used to say the word refers to the same thing we mean when we say a horse has been gentled. I'm not sure if that term is still used today, but basically it means that the horse is still strong and has his own opinion but has chosen to submit himself to the owner. The horse is tame. We also are to be tame.

I am still looking at study options. One that Brooke mentioned last week is Colossians and Philemon: Continue to Live in Him, Living Word Bible Studies which you can examine at . This one looks like a good study and is divided in a way that will be easy for us to use. Let me know what you think. I probably should order SOMETHING by the beginning of next week.

One last note, I think I can speak for all of us when I say that you are in our prayers, Sarah and Brooke, as you travel and mourn your grandmother.

Week Nine, Day 3

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, June 30

Good morning (or whenever), ladies.

I've looked around at some other Beth Moore books. Amazon has quite a few with reviews that you can check out. Here is a partial list:

Breaking Free: Discover the Victory of Total Surrender
Stepping Up: A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent
David: 90 Days with a Heart Like His
Jesus: 90 Days with the One and Only
John: 90 Days with the Beloved Disciple
To Live Is Christ
Believing God
Things Pondered from the Heart of a Lesser Woman

Take a look to see if any appeal to you. Let me know what you think. We can always go a different direction if you would prefer, but we need to decide soon!

Week Nine, Day Two

Monday, June 29, 2009

Assignment for Monday, June 29

A new week and a new topic. Are you ready to be gentle?

From the survey results, it seems the majority of you would prefer to do something else by this author. I'll take a look to see what is available and present some options. Feel free to look yourselves and let us know what you think looks good. Also, I need some input as to when the next study should start.

I want to thank you again, ladies, for being a part of this study with me. It's so encouraging to have you all keep me accountable each day. I have enjoyed each study and look forward to many more!

Week Nine, Day One

Friday, June 26, 2009

Assignment for Friday, June 26

It's FRIDAY!!!! And it's time to conclude our study on faithfulness.

I wanted to comment on Sarah's comments yesterday - the one about people saying Christians don't live in the real world. Isn't that interesting? People who don't know our God don't even see the real world. What a great delusion Satan has foisted on mankind.

Week 8, Day 5

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, June 25

Now usually we teach our children not to fight, but there is one battle we must fight and today we will learn a little more about that.

Week Eight, Day Four

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, June 24

What are the biggest obstacles for you in your faithfulness? I think mine is simply being distracted. So many things I'd like to do...but I sometimes forget they won't really matter much in eternity.

Week Eight, Day Three

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, June 23

Yikes! I almost forgot to post this morning!! So you are all being so helpful in determining the next study! I was thinking SOMEONE would have a STRONG opinion. lol I'm still waiting to hear from a few of you before I make a decision.

And now another day of studying faithfulness...

Week Eight, Day Two

Monday, June 22, 2009

Assignment for Monday, June 22

Today we begin week 8 of our 10 week study. So far I have one suggestion for continuing with this author. Any other input would be greatly appreciated!

Week 8, Day 1

Friday, June 19, 2009

Assignment for Friday, June 19

These weeks are flying by for me. So BUSY!!!

Congratulations to the new grandma in our group. I will be out of town on Sunday so you all will have to call her "Grandma" several times for me and remind her she is 50. hahahaha

Today we finish up our lessons on goodness and kindness. (Somehow the above request doesn't seem to fit those lessons...OK...just forget the 50 part.) Which do you find most challenging - being kind or being good? Today we will look at an aspect of being good that still challenges me: loving confrontation. Oooh. That's a hard one.

Week Seven, Day Five

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, June 18

Goodness is the next aspect of the Spirit's fruit in our lives. Today we begin to study the differences between kindness and goodness and how they are related.

Week Seven, Day Four

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, June 17

As we continue on our little study adventure today, we will continue noticing how good and kind our Father is which should help and motivate us to be the same.

I haven't had any response about ideas for the next study. Please give it some thought and share your ideas.

Week Seven, Day Three

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, June 16

Today we continue looking at our awesome God and how to reflect his patience and goodness. Keep those comments coming!

Week Seven, Day Two

Monday, June 15, 2009

Assignment for Monday, June 15

Good morning, ladies! It's good to be back even if I am a bit behind. I plan to read all your posts today and catch up on other studies. Today we begin looking at the goodness and kindness part of the fruit of the Spirit. Enjoy!

Week Seven, Day One

Friday, June 12, 2009

Assignment for Friday, June 12

So today as you read this we should be on the road home. I hope you have all had a great week. I hope we did too!

Week Six, Day Five

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, June 11

One more day of our California get-away. Are you leaving lots of comments for me to read?

Week Six, Day Four

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, June 10

So I hope this whole scheduling the posts ahead is working. It's almost like I'm there looking over your shoulders, eh? hahaha

Week Six, Day Three

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, June 9

Keep those comments coming. It's weird to post this so far in advance. I don't know what to write!

Week Six, Day Two

Monday, June 8, 2009

Assignment for Monday, June 8

So today we should be in sunny California visiting Trudy and enjoying a little vacation. I hope you all are also enjoying yourselves!

Week Six, Day One

Friday, June 5, 2009

Assignment for Friday, June 5

Here we are at the end of a peaceful week. :) Next week we will learn to have patience - or at least about patience. lol

As you all know, I will be traveling next week with Audrey and of course we will both be doing our study while we are gone. I don't know if I will be able to blog every day so I am setting it up in advance. If I can't check daily, I will read all your comments when I return. Please keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, June 4

Today we will continue to look at what peace looks like. Enjoy!

Week Five, Day Four

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, June 3

What is your anxiety level? What does peace look like? Today we will look at a couple of pictures of peace in the life of the Prince of Peace to see.

Week Five, Day Three

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, June 2

Peace comes at a cost. Today we will look at the price for peace. Keep those great answers coming!

Week Five, Day Two

Monday, June 1, 2009

Assignment for Monday, June 1

A new week and a new month and a new fruit to study! What a great day!!

Week Five, Day Two

Friday, May 29, 2009

Assignment for Friday, May 29

Good morning! I probably already missed Julie because I forgot to post this last night. Sorry about that Julie.

As we finish up our week on joy, I would love to hear about times in your lives when you may have been surprised to find joy in your life during a hard time. As you know, that's not the same as happiness. For me, one time was when we lost our forth baby. It was such a comfort to know that even though I had to wait to meet her, she was with the best caring Father there is.

Week Four Day Five

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, May 28

So why do I sometimes lose my joy? Is it really gone? Today we will look at some things that can cause us to forget our joy. Knowing this can help us hang on to this wonderful fruit of the Spirit.

Week Four, Day Four

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, May 27

Are you all feeling a little more joyful this week as a result of this study. I know I am. It's good to be reminded of what a tremendous blessing it is to be a part of God's family - that we can be joyful no matter what our physical circumstances are. It puts everything back into perspective.

Week Four, Day Three

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, May 26

Good morning, ladies! I hope your holiday was pleasant. I spent it being dizzy, visiting the bathroom frequently, and fighting a headache. lol Oh well. I'm thankful every day is not like that.

Today we continue on with our study of joy.

Week Four Day Two

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Assignment for Monday, May 25

Welcome to a new week of study! Julie is back with us and is ready to post her answers as soon as she sees this day's assignment. Welcome back, Julie!

Today we will look at one of the aspects of our Christianity that gives us strength - the joy of the Lord.

Week Four, Day One

Friday, May 22, 2009

Assignment for Friday, May 22

It's FRIDAY!!!! Now that we have studied what "agape" love is, we will take a look at what it looks like in action.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and remember to check back in on Monday.

Week Three Day Five

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, May 21

Today we will look at more characteristics of "agape" love. I'm enjoying studying this and realizing I still have a long way to go in growing up in Christ. It's nice to know that during that long process, God loves me even with all my imperfections.

Week 3 Day 4

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, May 20

Today we begin to look at what "agape" love is. I imagine this will be familiar to you, but try to slow down as you do your homework to think about what this really means and how you can apply it to your life. I would encourage you to read the first passage (1 Cor 13) out loud slowly, stopping to think after each verse. If you are like me, you will maybe feel a little toe-stomping going on but also an encouragement to do better.

Week 3, Day 3

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, May 19

Good morning, ladies. I'm a little late posting this morning. I hope that hasn't caused any problems.

Today we look at a different type of love before looking at the fruit of the Spirit type of love tomorrow.

I'm thinking we should all be working on memorizing the fruit of the Spirit since that is what our study is about.

Week Three, Day Two

Monday, May 18, 2009

Assignment for Monday, May 18

Week three begins today. Today we will actually begin looking at one of the fruits of the Spirit - love. Today's lesson will look at one aspect of what can be meant when someone thinks of love. We will spend the whole week on this fruit and I hope we will have a better understanding of or at least be reminded of what kind of love walking in the Spirit will bear in our lives.

Week Three Day One

Friday, May 15, 2009

Assignment for Friday, May 15

Yea! It's Friday!!

Today we finish up our overview of Galatians. Keep those comments coming!

Week Two, Day Five

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, May 14

Welcome to another great day of learning more of God's Word. Today we will look at the last two chapters of Galatians to see what we can learn about the Holy Spirit. I have a little problem with changing "flesh" to "sinful nature" because the word is "flesh." I don't think that is hard to understand. We have a fleshly part and a spiritual part. They tend to desire different things. When we use "sinful nature" we are saying something slightly different than "flesh." That idea comes from a belief that we are born depraved which is not a biblical teaching. Just my two cents' worth!

Enjoy your time with God.

Week Two, Day Four

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, May 13

What does it mean to be led by the Spirit? In today's lesson we take a look at some passages dealing with how the Spirit has and does lead in the lives of believers. Once again I caution you to look carefully at the passages and consider her conclusions.

I would like to add a little to her discussion. There are several passages which talk about the Spirit living "in" us. Just what does that mean? One of today's passages is Romans 8:9. Look closely at that passage. It is an impossibility for me to be in the Spirit and the Spirit to be in me at the same time if we are talking about location. "In" is not a location. I believe it is a relationship quality. I have a relationship with the Holy Spirit when I live by faith. I listen to what He told the apostles to write. He influences my behaviour and attitude. I become like Him as I mature in my faith. We have similar terminology in our language. "I can really see her mother in her." What does that mean? We see the influence and effects of her mother in her because they are so much alike in some way.

I'd love to read your comments on this topic.

Week Two, Day Three

Monday, May 11, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, May 12

OK, Ladies. Are you ready for this lesson? This one is a thought-provoker. I do not agree with everything she concludes, but I'll not prejudice you before you study for yourselves. Be careful to really look at each passage to see the context before accepting any conclusions. Then let us know what you think.

Meanwhile, it seems that many of us are having problems keeping up with the lessons. Do you want to continue at this pace, hoping that you will become accustomed to the study or do you want to slow down a bit? Before you answer, really think about your schedule to see if slowing down will actually help or if you just need to make study more of a priority. Now don't feel guilty if you need to slow down!!! I just don't want you to opt to slow down because it's easier instead of necessary. Only you can know that and I trust you will let me know.

Week two, day two.

Assignment for Monday, May 11

Week two begins today. Are you ready? Today we will begin looking at Who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. Here is a little aside from me: I have always wondered what the mystery is about the idea of what people call the Trinity. I do not find it confusing that there are three distinct personalities - persons - that are all diety and all completely united. Of course they can say they are one God. Husband and wife are to become one flesh. That doesn't men they stop being separate individuals but that they should become united individuals. I don't find three dieties being perfectly united mysterious but I do find it amazing and wonderful.

Let us know which memory verse you have decided to work on this week if you want to be part of the challenge. Mine will be Galatians 5:25-26.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Assignment for Friday, May 8

Friday is here already and so is the last chapter of Galatians. Today we will finish our quick overview of the book so we can start looking at what we know about the Holy Spirit. I haven't done the lessons yet, but I'm guessing we may have some interesting discussions next week. Meanwhile, let's finish up with Galatians.

For next week's memory verse challenge I would like you to look ahead at the daily verses for the week to decide which one you will work on. Of course you are not limited to those verses if you want to work on something else. The challenge is to let us know what you are working on and then post your verse every day next week - first without looking and then the corrected version if need be. As always this is only an optional challenge. Have FUN with it!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, May 7

Today we will look at Galatians 3 as we continue learning the context in which the verses on the fruit of the Spirit were written. Are you enjoying the study so far? I am.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, May 6

Today we move on to look at Galatians 2 and the importance and meaning of being crucified with Christ. The author makes some pretty accurate observations about the consequences of choosing such a life. I'm interested in your comments and experiences in this area.

After reading Audrey's comment yesterday I started thinking that maybe each week those of you who want to participate in the memory verse challenge should pick one of the daily verses from the whole week - one that will help you in your daily walk. Even if you don't memorize it, taping it to the bathroom mirror is a great idea. If you DO decide to memorize it, then post your efforts for us all to see so we can enourage you in your progress along the way.

And now, on to Galatians 2...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, May 5

So after looking at the importance of enduring hardships joyfully as Paul did in yesterday's lesson, today we will study a bit about pleasing God instead of others. At first these ideas may not seem connected, but the actions of pleasing God are what will most likely lead to the hardships we must endure. We begin our study of Galatians today with chapter one. Enjoy!

Optional memory work challenge: Acts 14:22

Monday, May 4, 2009

Assignment for Monday, May 4

Welcome to our new study!!! Are you excited to start or a little apprehensive? This study will be quite a bit more indepth than the last one but should still only take at the most 30 minutes/day. I need your input on how this is working for you. I can break the lessons down into two days/lesson if needed - or we could even have two levels of students if some of you really want to do a whole lesson each day and some can't manage it. Just let me know what is working for you.

Today we will start with lesson one, day one. You will notice a page of questions on the video that we will not be watching. There is a series of videos by the author to supplement the lessons but I don't think they are very important to the study itself. So just skip that page.

Please blog on the same day you were assigned in our last study. If that doesn't work for you, let me know and we can change things around.

And now...(drum roll please)... let's get started!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 27

OK ladies, let's see it. What have you learned while I was away? Blog it for me today!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 17-24

Happy Friday! I will be out of town next week and instead of guessing when we will be ready to add verses, I have decided to let you monitor yourselves for the week. You can use this post or just check up on each other some other way. I will be taking my Bible in and working on the verses all week too. So, add a verse when you are ready and recite the verses you know in some way to each other every day. I'll use my sister.

Please mention us in your prayers as the warm weather will be bringing out the rattle snakes and ticks. After all, it is HELL'S Canyon. lol


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 16

Review Day!! Let's take today to review through verse 16 and get it down well. Now, no skipping out on me - blog those verses!!!

I'm running late this morning. I'll try to blog mine later today.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 14

It's TAX DAY!! It's a good day to remember the "patient in tribulation" for some of us - haha. Good job, Ann, making your goal and meeting it yesterday!

Today let's add yet another verse. As you quote the verses to yourself today, I want you to think of a specific application in your life. You don't need to blog this unless you just want to, but do blog the new verse and then blog all of them as we have been doing.

Here's my attempt without the new verse...

Let love be without hypocrisy
Abhor what is evil
Cling to what is good
Be kindly affectioned to one another in brotherly kindness
Not lagging in diligence
Fervant in spirit
Serving the Lord
Rejoicing in hope
Patient in tribulation
Continuing stedfast in prayer
Distributing to the needs of the saints
Given to hospitality
Bless those who persecute you
Bless and do not curse
Rejoice with those who rejoice
Weep with those who weep

There you go Ann. I think I got it right this time. Let me know.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 14

Whew - I'm a little late today. I actually made it to the gym this morning, thanks to Ann's return to the Seekamp project. Thanks, Ann!!!

OK. Jennifer challenged us yesterday to go above and beyond so today I want you to set your own goal, tell us what it is, and prove you have accomplished it.

One other note, I had a feeling I had forgotten something in that memory verse yesterday. lol

Here's my attempt:

Let love be without hypocrisy.
Abhor what is evil.
Cling to what is good.
Be kindly affectioned to one another with brotherly kindness
not lagging in diligence...

ARG I always have a mental block here. OK I'm off to practice and will return later.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 13

So...Ann has noticed that I have not been posting my efforts. OK. Here goes so far:

Let love be without hypocracy
Abhor what is evil
Cling to what is good
Be kindly affectioned to one another in brotherly kindness
In honor giving preference to one another
Not lagging in diligence
Serving the Lord
Patient in tribulation
Continuing stedfastly in prayer
Contributing to the needs of the saints
Given to hospitality
Bless those who persecute you
Bless and curse not

OK - I'm not checking it. I'll leave that up to Ann. :) I do tend to have a mental block for a while after the giving preference line. Oh well, I'll keep working on that.

For today, let's add another verse. We'll take a couple of days on it if you need to. Let me know when you are ready to move on. You are doing great!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 9

Good morning! (or whenever)

Instead of adding another verse today, I want yesterday's short little verse to sink in. Before blogging all the verses learned so far, I want you to say the verses in your head and blog the verbs in the verses in order. Then blog the whole selection.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 8

OK - you asked for it. We will begin on verse 13 today. Blog the verse by itself. Correct any mistakes. Blog all the verses without looking.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 7

Good morning! (or whatever time of day you look at this)

Well, we did well yesterday with the first three verses so today we will move on to verse 12. Blog verse 12 by itself without looking. Correct it if necessary and then blog all four verses together. Let me know if you are ready to move on or if this verse was new to you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Memory Work Challenge - April 6

OK, here it is. Almost a month to work on part of Romans 12. We'll start with a reasonable assignment. Today review Romans 12:9-11 and post it without looking at least once today. Feel free to post more often if it helps you remember better. I will assume we are ready to tackle the next verse tomorrow unless I hear otherwise - or see that you are having trouble with this assignement.

Have fun!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Assignment for Friday, April 3

Well, here it is - our last assignment for this study. Today just finish it up, ladies. I will compile all your suggestions over the weekend and give anyone who wants one the list of ideas you have created. I've enjoyed studying with you and look forward to the next study!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, April 2

Today's assignment is to answer parts 5 - 10 of question 7 and answer question 8.

Yesterday Jennifer asked if I would like you to pay me before I ordered the books for our next study on Monday. Yes, that would be nice. So far I have the following confirmed participants: Jennifer, Brooke, and Sarah. Be sure to let me know if you want to participate! The cost of the books will be just under $19.00.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, April 1

Today's assignment looks a little longer than it really is. Questions 5 and 6 aren't really questions but information. So I want you to read through those questions and answer the first five parts of question 7. If you have any ideas about any of the special days in questions 5 and 6 please share them! We are going to end up with a really nice list of ideas by the end of this week thanks to your great posts.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, March 31

Today's assignment is to finish question 4. I also need you to let me know if you plan to participate in the next blog study which will probably start the first monday in May. Based on our little poll, we will be studying Beth Moore's Living Beyond Yourself. I plan to order the books next Monday.

Enjoy the last day of March!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Assignment for Monday, March 30

Welcome to another week of encouragement. As most of you know, Ann spent all of yesterday in the hospital recovering from the effects of a Thunderclap headache. As the doctor explained it, she had a blood vessel in her brain constrict suddenly which caused a terribly bad headache (which Ann didn't remember as of last night) and loss of blood flow to certain areas of her brain. By the time the CAT scan was done at the hospital, that blood vessel had expanded back out so that there did not seem to be any permanent damage even though it took Ann about 7 hours to begin to fully recover her memory. Her doctor ordered complete rest for a couple of days and told us she should be back at 100% within two weeks. So Ann, if you are reading this today, I want you to go back to bed. The rest of us will keep you in our prayers for a full recovery.

Today's assignment is to answer question 3 and the first three parts of question 4. If you are ready and willing, go ahead and begin working on the next verse in Romans 12.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Assignment for Friday, March 27

It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! Today's assignment is to finish question 2. Keep those creative thoughts coming!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, March 26

You ladies are doing great with ideas! When we have finished this lesson, I plan to transfer it all to a word doc which I will be happy to send to anyone interested. Today we will continue with question 2. Give us your ideas for parts 10, 11, and 12.

For those of you working on the memory verses, see if you can post a vague enough question about any of the verses we have studied so far to stump us. If you can do it, you can have one posting day off. I'll cover for you. Good luck!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, March 25

Oops! I'm a little late this morning posting today's assignment. For today I would like you to answer the next three parts of question 2.

It's good to be back home, ladies. Thank you for your prayers. We had a safe trip and Trudy is now living in a cute little apartment in what appears to be a very nice little town. There is a church not far from her apartment with very friendly people. It is a small group of about 30 - 35. I don't know if she will decide to place her membership there but if she does, I believe they will be a good support for her.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, March 24

Today we will continue on with question 2. What are your ideas for parts 4-6 of the question?

Are you happy with the way we are doing the chapter or would you like to go a little faster? Or slower? Let me know!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Assignment for Monday, March 23

Welcome to week twelve of our study. This week's questions are a little different from the rest of the book. I've thought about different ways to study this chapter and have decided to break it up into at least two weeks, maybe three. What I hope will happen with this chapter is that when we are finished we will each have a list of creative ideas of how we can encourage just about anyone in any situation to which we might be exposed. I plan to save all your suggestions so when I am not feeling especially creative myself, I can use them to encourage others.

Today's assignment is to answer the clearing the cobwebs question, question 2, and the first three parts of question 3. Everyone feel free to add their own ideas - even if it isn't your day to post.

In answer to the cobwebs question, I personally prefer several small things throughout the year - unless it's something really spectacular that I have been wishing for!

Keep practicing your memory verse!!!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Assignment for Friday, March 20

Yea - it's FRIDAY!! When most of you read this I should be on the road to California but I'm hoping to be able to check in while I am gone. If not, I will enjoy your answers when I return. Today's assignment: vote in the poll on the left and finish the questions in this chapter.

How is the memory verse coming along? I think we will make next week a review/catch up week for those of you who are participating in this part of the study.

Please keep me in your prayers while I'm away.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, March 19

So sorry to post this so late this morning! I'm fighting the cold/flu thing myself now. Oh well.

Your assignment for today is to answer questions 7 and 8.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, March 18

Can you guess where this week's lesson on encouraging epistles is headed? Do you feel the assignment coming? lol Today's assignment is to answer questions 4, 5, and 6.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, March 17

Terrific Tuesday!! Today answer questions 2 and 3. Also begin thinking about what you would like to study next time around if you want to continue this blog study. All suggestions are welcome.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Assignment for Monday, March 16

Welcome to a new week! Your assignment for today is to answer the first question and the Clearning the Cobwebs section. And if you are ready...let's add another verse to our memory work challenge.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Assignment for Friday, March 13

It's Friday again! Another week has passed. Did you try to encourage anyone this week? I hope so!!! If not, today is a good day to pick someone to encourage.

Your assignment today is to do the Digging Deeper question.

Oh yes, it's nice to have you back, Brooke!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, March 12

Welcome to Thursday! Today's assignment is to answer questions 8 and 9. Will any of you feel ready to move on to the next verse in our group of memory verses next week or should we spend another week just working on the first two verses?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, March 11

Today we learn what happened to the lady at the beginning of the chapter! As you read about her story, think about our own little congregation and how if each one of us do even one little thing for someone in need what a great impact it can have. A note once a month to Dawn...a card to Don B....a phone call to Joan to say hello...a comment to a mom to let her know you notice her hard work...the list is endless. Sometimes we are called to do something harder, but usually helping out is really pretty easy. We just have to overcome our fear with love.

Today answer questions 5, 6, and 7.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, March 10

Your assignment for today is to answer questions 3 and 4. Enjoy!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Assignment for Monday, March 9

Are you excited and thankful to begin a new week? It's hard to encourage anyone when you are not thankful.

This week we continue looking at one another passages. Your assignment for today is to answer questions 1 and 2 and Clearing the Cobwebs. My answer for Clearing the Cobwebs would be that any little sign of appreciation always give me a lift. It doesn't have to be much...just a little acknowledgement to let me know I'm on the right track or how I can improve. I have occasionally received cards or a surprise dinner or just a hug that has lifted my mood and lightened my load just when I needed it. I hope I can do the same for others as I continue this physical adventure.

If you are ready, you can begin working on Romans 12:10 this week. If not, continue working on verse 9. Whatever you are working one, share your daily progress with us to encourage us to do the same!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Assignment for Friday, March 6

Hello, ladies! Today's assignment is to finish the lesson. I missed all your posts yesterday. It must have been a busy day! I hope to hear from you all today.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, March 5

Sorry so late with your assignment today! Ann has already posted on yesterday's assignment for today so if you want to see that, you'll have to check there. Today's assignment is to answer questions 7 and 8. Keep those memory verse attempts coming!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, March 4

Today's assignment is to answer questions 4, 5, and 6. I really like the comment on the side of page 66. Concentrating on who a person IS instead of what they DID helps us to stay focused on what it really important and helps us find good in someone who is really messing up. Finding that good thing can help that person make a turn around. We all need someone to believe in us.

I want to see your memory verse efforts if you have decided to take the challenge. First concentrate on verse 9. We can add verse 10 later if we need to.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, March 3

It's Tuesday! Time for a new assignment and a new memory verse. We will spend the rest of this study working on memorizing Romans 12:9-21 - or as much of it as we can. This week let's concentrate on verses 9 and 10 only. So your assignment for today is to answer questions 2 and 3, and start memorizing Romans 12:9-10. Have fun!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Assignment for Monday, March 2

Welcome to a new week of study! I hope you are all still enjoying learning about how to encourage each other and are putting some of the things we have learned into practice. That's how you know the Word is working in your life - when your thought processes are changing the your actions are showing the change. Today's assignment is to answer question #1 and the question on Clearing the Cobwelbs.

I'm not sure what my least favorite household chore is. I don't really mind any of them - it's just getting started doing them! Probably the one I put off the longest would be putting away the folded laundrey!

I am running late this morning so I will give your memory verse assignment tomorrow. Now THAT'S something to look forward to!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Assignment for Friday, February 27

OK Friday ladies. You only have one assignment: the Digging Deeper section. You can thank me later. :)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, February 26

As you think about your answers today, I want you to think about how "comfort zones" can affect how we apply these commands. Do you see any dangers here?

Answer questions 8 and 9 today. (Do you Friday posters see a little relief coming up tomorrow?)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, February 25

Today's readings carry a challenging command. As you think about your answers, share ways you have learned that help you follow this teaching.

Today's assignment is to do questions 6-7.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, February 24

Are there people within your congregation that you prefer to be with over others? We all have friends with whom we are more comfortable or with whom we have more in common, and then there are those that we find more difficult to enjoy or understand, and sometimes there are even those whom we barely know. The larger the congregation, the truer this is. Jesus had his closest friends with Him in the garden before His crucifixion. There is nothing wrong with this; however, if we neglect caring for all equally as need arises, we are falling short of God's glory.

Today's assignment is to answer questions 3, 4, and 5.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Assignment for Monday, February 23

Welcome to another week! Today's assignment is to answer question 1 and 2 and the Clearing the Cobwebs question. Let me know if you are ready for another memory verse and feel free to answer the questions even if it isn't your day as Julie has been sick for quite a while!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Assignment for Friday, February 20

It's Friday again! The Friday posters will be happy to know that there isn't really an answer to the Digging Deeper excersize that needs to be posted. So for today, answer question 9 and then comment on any thoughts you might have after studying the Digging Deeper assignment. Can you find a practical application to share with the rest of us?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, February 19

Today we continue looking at what the Bible says about loving each other. Have you been watchful for ways to love someone this week? There are so many opportunities if we only have the eyes to see them. Answer questions 7, 8, and 9 today.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, February 18

On we go with our lesson on's assignment is to answer questions 4, 5, and 6. I thought that Shiela Walsh made a good point in the little quote on the side of page 51 about how it is not our job to take someone's burden away, but to help them bear it. Sometimes we can be afraid to help because we don't know how to "fix it." We don't have to fix it, we just have to walk with the person so they are not alone, listen to what they need, and share the burden. That's not nearly so intimidating as fixing it.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, February 17

Today's assignment is to answer questions 2 and 3. Here is an optional thought question that relates to today's readings: How can you love someone who to you is pretty much unlovable?

We will continue reviewing with the memory verses this week. Next week we will add a new one. Are you excited?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Assignment for Monday, February 16

This week we start looking at the motivation behind encouraging one another. Without love, it becomes just something on a list we check off - if we do it at all. When we learn to truly love others, encouraging becomes much easier because we WANT to do it. Today your assignment is to answer question #1 and the Clearing the Cobwebs question.

Oh - did you want to know the official answers to the optional memory verse quiz?

1. James 1:2-3
2. Hebrews 10:24
3. 1 Peter 4:10

If you have any questions about the answers, let me know. Maybe I'll answer them!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Assignment for Friday, February 13

Wow - this week went by quickly for me. (No old jokes needed. :)) Today's assignment is to answer question 9 and do the Digging Deeper exercise. A couple of our ladies have had sick families this week. I've missed your comments!

Can you identify the verse? (NKJV)
1. There is math involved.
2. There is a purpose.
3. Something Peter said.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, February 12

Well, now. Since I messed up yesterday's assignment just a bit, today you have an easy day. Answer question 8 and try out that memory verse as best you can.

Assignment for Wednesday, February 11

Today's assignment is easy to guess: questions 6 and 7. Has anyone had a chance to use a past experience to encourage someone this week? Today I want you to think about trials you have endured in the past that might qualify you to specially encourage someone. Then, if you are ready, thank God that He has had enough faith in you to give you those trials.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, February 10

Oops. I'm a little late this morning. I hope that didn't cause any problem! Today's assignment is to answer questions 2, 3, and 4.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Assignment for Monday, February 9

We are just about half way through this study already! How the time flies. This week we will be looking at using our personal experiences to encourage others. It's always nice to know you are not alone in your struggles. Sometimes that's all the encouragement we need to hang on.

Keep working on the same memory verse. If I remember, I'll give us a little optional quiz on the three verses we have been working on so far. Fun times!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Assignment for Friday, February 6

Good morning, ladies. I am enjoying your answers even though I haven't had much time to blog myself. Today I am home most of the day. Woo-hoo! I'll be catching up on several things and looking forward to today's answers. The assignment? Finish the lesson.

Then enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, February 5

As we move toward the weekend, remember to continue to pray for wisdom to know your gifts and how to use them. Today do questions 7 and 8.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, February 4

I really love the story in today's assignment. What a great way to encourage people and have fun at the same time! Today's assignment is to answer questions 4, 5, and 6.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, February 3

Yep, I think this memory verse may be a little more challenging than the other two but it is really a practical verse and one that will motivate us to do the encouraging we know we should do, I hope. So keep on working on it. It's fun to read your progress!

Today's assignment is to answer questions 2 and 3.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Assignment for Monday, February 2

A new month, a new week, a new day, and a new lesson! This is a day of possibilities!!
This week we are focusing on what special talents we have and how we can use them to encourage others. We all have something we can do even if we are not the only one who has that ability. It doesn't have to be something showy or be a leadership role. As we learned is Dave's lesson last night, we are to serve one another in whatever way we can.
Be sure to start with the Ponder and Pray section, then answer the question on the first page and question #1.
Are we ready for a new memory verse? Let's try the verse at the beginning of this lesson.

1 Peter 4:10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Assignment for Friday, January 30

Today's assignment is to answer questions 8 and 9 and do the Digging Deeper exercise. You probably won't have anything to post on that Digging Deeper part but I would be interested in reading what truths you find to apply to our lives. I have underlined a couple of things I found. I'll let you know what they are if none of you write about them. :)

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. Whew. I think I have finally transferred from Old King James into New King James.

Oh yeah. It's Friday. Can you still quote the first memory verse?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, January 29

More on growing up questions 6 and 7. Have any of you ever had a friend that told you something about yourself you hadn't consciously recognized - something not too pleasant? I have. It made me mad. Then it made me sad when I recovered from my mad and realized she was right. It was one of the nicest things she could have done for me. Are we brave enough to help others grow?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, January 28

Today's questions are pretty simple. The real trick is making sure you are taking advantage of the answers! Do questions 4 and 5.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, January 27

I forgot to remind you to look at the assignment in Ponder and Pray yesterday. Hopefully you are already developing that habit without my reminder! Today's assignment is to answer questions 2 and 3. I'd be interested in hearing how you might apply the answer you give to question 3 to your life - specifically.

My brethren count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Assignment for Monday, January 26

Yea! A new week with all kinds of new adventures in it. Are you ready? This week we are looking at encouraging growth in the people around us. Today answer Clearing the Cobwebs and question 1. Now that question 1 is a little longer than normal, but that's OK. We haven't had a challenging Monday yet. We can do it! Yea, us!!!

We'll take another week on memorizing James 1:2-3. Maybe on Friday we'll review both of our verses so far.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment for Friday, January 23

We are about to finish another week! Today's assignment is to answer question 9 and the Digging Deeper question. Would anyone like to recap what we have learned so far?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, January 22

Whoops! I'm a little late this morning. Today's assignment is to do questions 7 and 8. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, January 21

Hmmm. Today's assignment is to do questions 5 and 6. The passage for question 5 actually answers question 4 but I agree we should aspire to this standard. It's interesting to think about how giving comfort isn't always done with soft, kind words.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Assignment For Tuesday, January 20

I'm not sure the questions in today's assignment really match the Scriptures she gives, but see what you think. Today do questions 2, 3, and 4.

My brothers, count it all joy when you fall into various temptations, knowing that the trying of your faith produces patience.

Oops. I originally learned this in the King James Version many years ago. Maybe I should just go back to that. lol

Monday, January 19, 2009

Assignment for Monday, January 19

Happy Civil Rights Day. I was informed that was the new name by Johnny Seekamp. Interesting.

This week we are looking at how our faith encourages us and how to increase that faith. Remember to start with Ponder and Pray each day as you begin your daily study. Today's assignment is really easy so I'm going to add a bit to it. Do Clearing the Cobwebs and question #1, but in answering question #1 I want you to be specific about how that person encourages your faith. That way we can all learn from his/her example and help encourage the faith of the people around us.

Are you ready to try a new memory verse? Remember, this is an optional assignment so you don't need to feel any pressure if memorizing is difficult for you.

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. James 1:3-4

And of course we want to remember the last one...And consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Hebrews 10:24

Friday, January 16, 2009

Assignment for Friday, January 16

I'm sure you Friday ladies have figured out your assignment for today: Digging Deeper. Keep up the good work, everyone - the comments have been great!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, January 15

I don't want you Thursday posters to feel left out so today you get to answer questions 7 - 9. I am trying to divide the Friday ladies' work up a bit because the Digging Deeper section is a bit longer than the rest.

And consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Hebrews 10:24

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, January 14

Wednesday is your lucky day if you are supposed to post! You are blessed with answering questions 4-6 for us today.

By the way, you are all doing great with the memory verse! Maybe we will try a new one next week.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, January 13

Tuesday Ladies, your assignment is simple. Answer questions 2 and 3 before 6 tomorrow morning.

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Heb. 10:24

Monday, January 12, 2009

Assignment for Monday, January 12

This week we are going to focus on how the Word encourages us. Begin by reading the Ponder and Pray section first. Monday ladies, please answer the question on the side of the first page and question #1.

Optional memory verse: continue to review Heb. 10:24.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Assignment for Friday, January 9

Here we are at the end of our first week. Friday ladies, would you please go back to answer question 6 since I forgot that one yesterday, and then question 9? Then please answer the Digging Deeper question.

I almost feel like I should gather up the trinkets to treasure as they are introduced at the end of each chapter so I can review the concepts periodically. Maybe I'll just throw them in once in a while during the study.

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Hebrews 10:24 Woo-hoo!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, January 8

Today's assignment is to answer questions 7 and 8. Have you been encouraged this week? Have you encouraged anyone? I was encouraged when Sarah called me on my way home last night offering to provide our dinner. I didn't happen to need it this time, but I think I smiled the rest of the way home. And then at our meeting, I was encouraged that the families with the young children made the effort to attend - even one without her husband. It helps me believe there is a future for the church here in Idaho when parents are committed enough to make the effort when it's really an effort. And again, since I was thinking about this topic because of this study, I was encouraged by the beautiful sunset that was developing as I drove home even before Sarah called. God gives us many blessings - some of which we can be too busy to notice.

Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Oops. I forgot the "and" at the beginning. lol

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, January 7

So far so good, ladies! Today I want you to continue to pray for eyes to see the encouragement around you and maybe even report to us what you are seeing so we can be encouraged with you. Answer questions 4 and 5.

Let me say that after all day babysitting it was really nice to come home to your comments. You all are encouraging me!

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, January 6

Today is a simple assignment. Answer questions 2 and 3. Remember to pray for eyes to see encouragement around you.

"And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works."

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Assignment for Monday, January 5

Welcome back, everyone!! Our class is a little smaller this time around but of great quality. I have tried to keep you on the same day as before when it was possible. There will only be one person/day so if you can't make your day we will sorely miss you! You will find that this study is much lighter than the last, which may or may not be a good thing. You can decide. I will be adding an optional memory verse for those interested in stretching your brains - probably only one every other week or so, depending on the input of those who decide to participate. Another difference in this study: you will have to log on each day to know what your assignment is. If you have already examined the book you know that it is not divided up into daily segments as were the three before. Also, at the end of each lesson there is a section called "Ponder and Pray" which I prefer you to read on Monday so you can incorporate the prayer theme into the whole week.

So...for today, I want you to read the beginning section that ends with the first question. Skip to the end of the chapter to read the "Ponder and Pray" paragraph. Then go back to answer the "Clearing the Cobwebs" question. Finish today's study by answering question one and praying as directed in "Ponder and Pray." Whew - that sounds complicated but it really isn't.

As always, please feel free to comment or question as you do your lessons. That's what makes the study more interesting!

Are you wondering about interesting and flattering pictures? I assure you, they will show up now and then. I like to keep you guessing...

Optional memory verse: Hebrews 10:24