Sunday, January 4, 2009

Assignment for Monday, January 5

Welcome back, everyone!! Our class is a little smaller this time around but of great quality. I have tried to keep you on the same day as before when it was possible. There will only be one person/day so if you can't make your day we will sorely miss you! You will find that this study is much lighter than the last, which may or may not be a good thing. You can decide. I will be adding an optional memory verse for those interested in stretching your brains - probably only one every other week or so, depending on the input of those who decide to participate. Another difference in this study: you will have to log on each day to know what your assignment is. If you have already examined the book you know that it is not divided up into daily segments as were the three before. Also, at the end of each lesson there is a section called "Ponder and Pray" which I prefer you to read on Monday so you can incorporate the prayer theme into the whole week.

So...for today, I want you to read the beginning section that ends with the first question. Skip to the end of the chapter to read the "Ponder and Pray" paragraph. Then go back to answer the "Clearing the Cobwebs" question. Finish today's study by answering question one and praying as directed in "Ponder and Pray." Whew - that sounds complicated but it really isn't.

As always, please feel free to comment or question as you do your lessons. That's what makes the study more interesting!

Are you wondering about interesting and flattering pictures? I assure you, they will show up now and then. I like to keep you guessing...

Optional memory verse: Hebrews 10:24


Qwert said...

Good morning, ladies. I didn't think I would be able to post this morning but I woke earlier than expected.

1. All people thrive on encouragement. According to Romans 15:5 (NIV), God gives encouragement.

Cobwebs - I am adding this to my Ponder exercise. I don't know when I need encouragement.

Thanks, Debbie, for the easy MV -
And let us consider one another to stir up love and good works,

Well, not so easy - I forgot 'in order'.

psychomom said...

done for today...yeah, THAT was clear as mud! ha!

The Lady said...

Are you referring to my directions or the lesson, Ann?
If you take the time to read not just Romans 15:5 but also verses 1-13 I think you can see a better picture of how God encourages us. She may get to this later, of course, but an abstract answer of "God encourages me" doesn't always do it for me. I want to know how! I want to be able to recognize it!! So in the context of the verse she picked out I found out how - stronger Christians encourage weaker Christians, the Scriptures give us hope, receiving and being received (accepted) by my spiritual family. Maybe you will see even more in that reading.

I think I need encouragement most when I have something to do that I'm not sure I am really capable of doing well and when I fail at something. Although I have to admit that there have been times when someone has said something encouraging to me and I realized how much I was needing that but didn't know it.

Drama Queens said...

And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds Heb 10:24.
Done for today
It was good for me to read the whole section of Romans mentioned. This actually really reminds me of a learning experience I had about a year ago when I was talking w/Tammy on the phone about the way I had responded to a family member and that it is really hard for me to be "huggy" and that is not really the way I show love to everyone. She responded w/telling me it really wasn't about how I felt like showing love, but what this person needed from me...are we all sure she is the YOUNGER sister?? She probably learned that lesson from these verses and it has been a constant reminder when I am feeling like not being very giving. This kind of goes back to Dave's lesson last night-that rebuking someone isn't necessarily done by pointing a finger, but reminding of the responsibilities laid out by God.
I think I need encouragement most when I start having difficulties with my kids-as you all know-parenting is very hard and it is hard for me to not have someone saying--"you did that right" or "that was the right response". Whenever I start doubting it seems that someone from church can always see it and makes a comment that they can tell I am trying and it really strengthens me (especially with Aaron being gone several days in a row). Other times I have definitely needed encouragement in the past is when things have been difficult between Aaron and I or when I have suffered a loss (family members, my miscarriage). Even though I am often times not able to really talk face to face emails and cards have meant a great deal to me at times like this.
Ok, this probably qualifies as the longest answer ever--sorry about that.

Audrey said...

Done for today.

I was thinking that sometimes I need encouragement just in the things that I do because I know that they are right but sometimes get tiring. Example: Ben and I were placed in a Wednesday night cottage group that will require us to drive 45 minutes each way. We were willing to do this because it is important to us to be there and to teach our children where our priorities lie. It is tough sometimes to make it to evening classes and services with little kids because a lot of times you don't get much out of class because your kids are sleepy and cranky and then getting them home and in bed can be a pain. Ben doesn't have time to make it home after work, so I will end up having to get everyone ready myself and meet there. Anyways, Joann thanked us a couple weeks ago for being willing to make the trek and for being people that can be relied upon for always being there. That was a HUGE encouragement to us. Meeting with the Christians is something that we would do anyways. It is just sometimes nice for the difficulties that you might be going through in order to do those right things to be acknowledged and appreciated. It also made me WANT to be there, not just be there because I should. I hope that made sense.

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Hebrews 10:24

The Lady said...

Audrey makes an important point. We often forget to encourage those who are dependable and who seem to be doing fine. They will continue to do what is right even when it is hard. We can make it more joyful for them by acknowledging their efforts - which may help them avoid burn-out.

Jennifer Froelich said...

I'm done with today's lesson and finally jumping in here. Hopefully my brain will work better tonight than it has all day. Debbie, you'll have to coach me a little, I'm not sure how this all works. What am I doing differently on Tuesday?

Isn't encouragement one of those things that you can often receive the most benefit from when you're giving it? I look forward to noticing more particularly this week those things God has sent to encourage me and hope that it reminds me to be a better encourager.

I need the most encouragement in things that make me feel vulnerable or inept. (That's a long list!)

Tam said...

So by the comments it seems like a great lesson but I don't have my book yet! Bummer! I'll have to play catchup when it comes...Or maybe someone wants to send me the readings? Sarah? Debbie? Anyone? LOL!

The Lady said...

Jennifer - the only thing different on Tuesday for you is that you are the one responsible for posting your answers. With so few questions, we may all end up doing that anyway, but Tuesday is the only day YOU have to do it.

Tammy - I'll try to get that lesson emailed to you tomorrow. I'll be babysitting all day but I'll have my book with me so maybe I'll have a chance to do that. If not, look for it in the evening.