Monday, May 11, 2009

Assignment for Monday, May 11

Week two begins today. Are you ready? Today we will begin looking at Who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. Here is a little aside from me: I have always wondered what the mystery is about the idea of what people call the Trinity. I do not find it confusing that there are three distinct personalities - persons - that are all diety and all completely united. Of course they can say they are one God. Husband and wife are to become one flesh. That doesn't men they stop being separate individuals but that they should become united individuals. I don't find three dieties being perfectly united mysterious but I do find it amazing and wonderful.

Let us know which memory verse you have decided to work on this week if you want to be part of the challenge. Mine will be Galatians 5:25-26.


Qwert said...

Compare IS 40:13 and 1Cor 2:12 - He is part of God.

Ps 139:7-10 - present everywhere

Gen 1:1-2 and Ps 104:30 - Spirit's role is to create with the Father and the Son.

Luke 1:35 - The Spirit is Holy. The child she bears is the Son of God, by the Spirit.

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Heb 9:14 - I am missing her point here. This passage in NKJV is how the blood of Christ (who was spotless) purges our consciences from dead works to serve God.

Acts 10:38 - Jesus fulfilled his ministry with the Holy Spirit - was anointed and given power to do good and heal

Romans 8:11 - Spirit dwells in you
- And He will ultimately give life to our mortal bodies

We are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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John 6:38; 8:28 - Christ's resposibility is to do the will of the Father

John 1:1-3 - Christ is called the Word

Gen 1:1-2 - the Spirit hovered over the face of the waters

Phil 2:13 - God works in me to 1) to will for his good pleasure and 2) to do for his good pleasure.

Drama Queens said...

Hmmm...maybe we should start to break down the lessons...if I wind up working or have something going on it's really hard to catch up! Unless everyone else is doing ok-then it will be fine

Drama Queens said...

I will try to memorize Gal 5:25-26-
Since we live by the Spirit let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited provoking and envying each other.

Done for today-still working on Friday's lesson...

The Lady said...

Julie, that verse in Hebrews does mention the Spirit even though it is about how Christ's blood cleanses us. It says that throught the ternal Spirit Christ offered Himself without spot to God. I'm still thinking about what that may mean exactly, but in some way the Spirit was involved in Christ's crucifixion.

The Lady said...

haha! We don't need to notice the typos in that last post do we?

Jennifer Froelich said...

I like that memory verse too:

"Since we are ____ by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not be conceited, provoking and envying each other." Gal. 5:25-26

So much for practice! That should be "live by the Spirit."

Regarding that passage in Hebrews, I wondered if it meant that the Holy Spirit helped Christ to offer himself; or if it meant that the Holy Spirit helped Christ to live a perfect life, so that he would be without blemish.

I read something interesting a few months ago about the relationship between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The writer had this take on it: we know that GOD is love and we also know that GOD is complete and wholly perfect without (or before) ever having created anything. Since love is only valid or real when in action (when an object to love exists), the existence of three Godly members makes sense; it means that within Himself, HE always had Someone to love and that, being in three parts, there is a reciprical or circular pattern in that love that is perfect (like the three-cord strand that is a metaphor for the perfect marriage relationship.) Kind of deep for me, but I thought it was interesting.