Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, February 18

On we go with our lesson on's assignment is to answer questions 4, 5, and 6. I thought that Shiela Walsh made a good point in the little quote on the side of page 51 about how it is not our job to take someone's burden away, but to help them bear it. Sometimes we can be afraid to help because we don't know how to "fix it." We don't have to fix it, we just have to walk with the person so they are not alone, listen to what they need, and share the burden. That's not nearly so intimidating as fixing it.


psychomom said...

I completely agree with what you (and the author) are saying!

4. We should be loving toward each other, because we are members of the same body, we are one.

5. The way we act loving toward one another is with humility, gentleness, and patience, putting up with one another's quirks!

6. We need to be "fervent" in our love for one another, because it will "cover a multitude of sins". This means that if we are intensely caring about each other we will be forgiving of each other.

I don't feel I'm being very coherent today...

The Lady said...

You sound coherent to me!

Tam said...

A great point in the side note! I really need to remember this, that I don't have to fix the problems, just be encouraging to others to keep seeking Christ. That makes loving difficult people easier and their situations much more bearable...

Audrey said...

Done for today and the rest of the week so far. I did my lessons in bed and was too lazy to get up and post. :-)