Friday, May 7, 2010

Fun Friday`

Well, Bailee thinks every Friday should be Fun Friday. I think it will be for me this week and I hope it is for you. Keep those posts coming!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday morning

Walking worthy of our calling is what Audrey mentioned sticks out to her in the Ephesians study so far. After reading the first several chapters, walking worthy is a natural response! Remembering all God has done for us should cause us to automatically be motivated to do just that. If you are not continually reading and reminding yourself about those blessings, it is easy to begin to slip - just a little at first, and then begin to really slide away. There are so many distractions!! We need each other to stay focused which will make our whole adventure here so much easier.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Are you ready for your Ephesians class tonight? I'm assuming by the time you come here you will be. Feel free to share what has encouraged you so far in this class.

I hope your day is profitable!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Hats off to Sarah who managed to post even with company!! Good for you - and for Audrey and Julie, of course.

Yesterday I read Galatians. I've been thinking a bit about being a Gentile. I don't usually think about that as it's not a huge deal in our society and because I know that I am now also one of God's people. Sometimes, though, I think it's good to remember that without Christ we would not have been exposed to God or His Law in all probability. We would have been "far off" as Ephesians puts it. It really is an amazing blessing to be living in this time when we can be "near" and enjoy all spiritual blessings. Galatians reminds me that I don't want to give up that wonderful freedom to enslave myself to something else.

Monday, May 3, 2010


It's MAY!!! That means warmer weather is coming soon and the sun will be shining again eventually. It's a good time to recommit yourself to your studies and posting. You are doing great!