Friday, May 22, 2009

Assignment for Friday, May 22

It's FRIDAY!!!! Now that we have studied what "agape" love is, we will take a look at what it looks like in action.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and remember to check back in on Monday.

Week Three Day Five

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, May 21

Today we will look at more characteristics of "agape" love. I'm enjoying studying this and realizing I still have a long way to go in growing up in Christ. It's nice to know that during that long process, God loves me even with all my imperfections.

Week 3 Day 4

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, May 20

Today we begin to look at what "agape" love is. I imagine this will be familiar to you, but try to slow down as you do your homework to think about what this really means and how you can apply it to your life. I would encourage you to read the first passage (1 Cor 13) out loud slowly, stopping to think after each verse. If you are like me, you will maybe feel a little toe-stomping going on but also an encouragement to do better.

Week 3, Day 3

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, May 19

Good morning, ladies. I'm a little late posting this morning. I hope that hasn't caused any problems.

Today we look at a different type of love before looking at the fruit of the Spirit type of love tomorrow.

I'm thinking we should all be working on memorizing the fruit of the Spirit since that is what our study is about.

Week Three, Day Two

Monday, May 18, 2009

Assignment for Monday, May 18

Week three begins today. Today we will actually begin looking at one of the fruits of the Spirit - love. Today's lesson will look at one aspect of what can be meant when someone thinks of love. We will spend the whole week on this fruit and I hope we will have a better understanding of or at least be reminded of what kind of love walking in the Spirit will bear in our lives.

Week Three Day One