Monday, May 4, 2009

Assignment for Monday, May 4

Welcome to our new study!!! Are you excited to start or a little apprehensive? This study will be quite a bit more indepth than the last one but should still only take at the most 30 minutes/day. I need your input on how this is working for you. I can break the lessons down into two days/lesson if needed - or we could even have two levels of students if some of you really want to do a whole lesson each day and some can't manage it. Just let me know what is working for you.

Today we will start with lesson one, day one. You will notice a page of questions on the video that we will not be watching. There is a series of videos by the author to supplement the lessons but I don't think they are very important to the study itself. So just skip that page.

Please blog on the same day you were assigned in our last study. If that doesn't work for you, let me know and we can change things around.

And now...(drum roll please)... let's get started!


Drama Queens said...

Done for today--so far I am ok w/the length of time it took me about 25 min w/a few interruptions. It is really good for me to write so much of this out in answering her questions. Are we trying the memory work??
"strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God" Acts 14:22--I peeked a few times but will keep working on it. My plan is to try to really get one vs down a week

Jennifer Froelich said...

Done for today. I'm going to try and rearrange some less important things so that I have time to keep up with the lessons. Today it took me about an hour, but I was interrupted a LOT (maybe tomorrow I won't try and sneak it in during "school time") :)

3 Short Ones said...

Done for today. So far I am thinking it was a good length. I really like the subject!

Qwert said...

I was done this morning but never posted - so here goes...

- the 4 cities were Antioch, Lystra, Derbe, and Iconium.

- good news: Word of God spread throughout the region
-bad news: persecution against Paul & Barnabus, expelled from the region

- Jews purposely incited the prominent leaders
- Paul (actually Luke who wrote the book) describes the women as devout and prominent.
- The women stirred up persecution against Paul and Barnabus
- The serpent went to Eve.
- In verse 52 the disciples responded to the persecution with joy.

Acts 14:2-3 - respond like Paul and Barnabus? No, because I don’t generally speak boldly. Plus when contentions are around, I usually get quiet.

Acts 14:19-20 – Paul left Lystra after the persecution (stoning)

Vs 22 - (this was just fill in the blanks)

I wasn’t sure what ‘prosperity gospel’ is - so my guess is that people with health and wealth must be blessed by God because of their faith in Him. If that is what it is, then verse 22 teaches us that tribulations actually strengthen us in the faith and we need them to enter the Kingdom of God.

That's it. I will try to be more timely in the future.

The Lady said...

Sarah, there is a verse for every day in this study but I think that is a bit much. We can concentrate on the Monday verse all week if you like.

Julie, health and prosperity gospel is the teaching that if you become a Christian everything will go well with you because God will protect you from hardship. Obviously this is directly opposite to what we see in the lives of the early Christians. It's usually televangelists who want your money who promise such silly things. Good answers, by the way.

Audrey said...

Done for today.

psychomom said...

Sorry I'm so late...forgot to post! Done for today. If you don't mind, I will keep working on my Rom. 12 memory work. I'm determined to conquer that one before moving on!

The Lady said...

You can stay with Romans 12 Ann. Tomorrow's instructions will challenge you to start a new verse but just ignore that. Go ahead and post your Romans 12 verses instead.