Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Assignment for October 14

Now we get down to what it looks like to be clothed in righteousness as a wife. I don't think this will cause any of us any problems, but it is definately a challenge to many women outside Christ.

Lesson Eight Day Three


The Lady said...

Here are my answers for today:

1. We are to submit "as is fitting in the Lord." It is proper and appropriate for a wife to submit to her husband just as our Lord submitted to his Father.

2. Galatians: We all have equal value in Christ, no matter what our station or nationality. Corinthians: We are all in submission to someone - it is not some curse God placed on women.

3a. Husbands are to love without bitterness. Their headship is actually a submissive leadership - no matter how the wife acts he is to do what is best for her.

3b. Harshness, or bitterness in my version, will kill a relationship and will eventually kill a soul if there is no repentence. A bitter husband also makes it difficult for his wife to properly submit herself to him and respect him.

4. Yes, these ideas are still radical today. With the feminist movement's beliefs still hanging around and the publicity of spousal abuse always in front of us, in addition to the misunderstanding of what submission actually is, women are fearful of following this command. It's too bad because there is true happiness in biblical submission.

5. Ephesians 5:32 tells us that our marriages are to be pictures of Christ and the church. If we correctly follow God's instructions it will bring Him glory and attract others to follow Him. And as always when following God's commands, doing so will bring us happiness and peace.

psychomom said...

okay, well, my answers are pretty similar to yours, so I'll just put a few added things I came up with...

1. In Eph. 5, it states it "as to the Lord", so when we submit to our husbands we are also doing it to the Lord.

3b. I totally agree with you, and it seems to me Paul might have mentioned harshness because it is very easy for a man to come across as harsh, and to forget to be gentle and loving in his manner...which can easily crush a woman's spirit.

4. It is so prevalent today that Christian women can easily get sucked into this worldly way of thinking and forget what God's teaching is on the subject.

Thanks for filling in, Debbie. Your answers are always insightful. Sorry again for forgetting to post...

The Lady said...

Don't worry about it, Ann. I'm glad you posted today!