Friday, June 19, 2009

Assignment for Friday, June 19

These weeks are flying by for me. So BUSY!!!

Congratulations to the new grandma in our group. I will be out of town on Sunday so you all will have to call her "Grandma" several times for me and remind her she is 50. hahahaha

Today we finish up our lessons on goodness and kindness. (Somehow the above request doesn't seem to fit those lessons...OK...just forget the 50 part.) Which do you find most challenging - being kind or being good? Today we will look at an aspect of being good that still challenges me: loving confrontation. Oooh. That's a hard one.

Week Seven, Day Five


The Lady said...

Hello! I decided to respond to Sarah's answers from yesterday on this day. Aren't you glad?

I, like you, substituted something for sinful nature, Sarah. Sinful desires is a good substitute. I just used flesh because that is what the word is.

As regards the question on predestination, here are my thoughts. Notice what is predestined: the believer will be adopted into God's family, will be conformed to the image of His Son, and will receive an inheritance. So yes, God did decide beforehand some things about what would happen. And He even decided beforehand to whom they would happen - those who answer the call of the gospel. But no, He did not predetermine which of us individually would be called or would answer the call. He wants all to come to repentence.

I'm glad you jumped back in! I enjoy your comments.

Audrey said...

Here are my answers...

Disobedient, deceived, enslaved by all kinds of passions, foolish, malice and envy, hated and hating one another.

He saved us because of His mercy.

He generously poured te Holy Spirit out on us.

We are to devote ourselves to doing what is good.

These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

Agathosune does not spare sharpness and rebuke to cause good in others. A person may display is agathosune, his zeal for goodness and truth, in rebuking, correcting, or chastising.

The word of God equips us for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

Matt 21:12-13 God's temple was cleansed and restored to its proper purpose.

2 Cor 12:7-10 Paul was made stronger through dealing with His thorn in the flesh and it kept him umble and reliant on God.

Acts 8:1-4 The word of God spread as the Christians were scattered.

Acts 18:5-6 The Jews rejected Paul, so he preached the word to the Gentiles.

Matt 27:50-51 Jesus' death bought about the end of the Old Covenant and the arrival of the New Covenant.

Paul loved the Thessalonians as if they were his own children. He didn't become a burden to them but shared his life with them and cared for them.