Friday, February 26, 2010

Finally Friday?

Well, it doesn't feel like "finally" to me. This week has seemed to zoom by. I'm still trying to get back to my routine since having company. I'm not sure why it takes me so long!

I hope you all remember to post. Fridays seem to be more challenging than the other days with our group. Even if you forget today - feel free to post Saturday...or Sunday...

Thursday, February 25, 2010


My days are all mixed up this week. I can't believe it's already Thursday! Anyway, in my reading yesterday in Luke Jesus said that in heaven we will be like the angels and sons of God. That has me thinking about exactly how that will be. And I've always wondered, "What next?" Eternity is a very long time. I wonder what all is to come. Whatever it is, I know it will be so wonderful to be able to see God and ask Him when I have a question.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday...what happened to Tuesday?

Ah...I'm back. A little shakey but feeling MUCH better. Sorry about the disappearance yesterday but I was happy to see you posted anyway! Julie has already posted this morning on Monday's blog so be sure to read her post there.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday morning

Good morning, ladies! Of course if you post in the afternoon or evening, you'll have to change that to the appropriate greeting. I'm hoping you all did your readings on Friday or will be catching up today. Thanks for posting, Julie! Enjoy your day, everyone - it's the day the Lord as made. :)