Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, February 11

Today's assignment is easy to guess: questions 6 and 7. Has anyone had a chance to use a past experience to encourage someone this week? Today I want you to think about trials you have endured in the past that might qualify you to specially encourage someone. Then, if you are ready, thank God that He has had enough faith in you to give you those trials.


psychomom said...

Since yesterday was 2, 3, 4, I must assume you meant to include 5 for today :)... or are we going to ignore that one??? Debbie, do you use an exacto on you Bible??? :)

5. Paul used his own experiences to encourage his brethren in their trials. Nobody was going through worse (or more varied) tribulations than he was, so he was a great source of encouragement to Christians, because he never gave up, never quit, never took his eyes off the prize! Plus, by re-visiting places and writing to them, he was able to let them know he was keeping up with their lives, that he loved them and wasn't forgetting about them. He was also able to keep adding to their knowledge by keeping in touch...

6. Paul was encouraged by the news that Titus brought him...that the Corinthians had felt sorrow over their sins, that the sorrow had not been too much for them but had led to a repentent attitude, that they had a great desire to do right AND that they still had a great "zeal" for him...his reprimand had not turned them against him. It was very comforting to him to hear of their good attitude.

7. We are to acknowledge our encouragers, to let them know that they have helped us and we are grateful for doesn't hurt to acknowledge them to others also, to build them up.

I knew that the problems we have "endured" with Hunter would probably help others some day, and recently I have had an opportunity to talk with Diane Tolman about the problems they have been having with Bradley (similar in nature, although I doubt there is any "disorder" involved, probably plain rebelliousness). Please pray for Diane and Dwight as they struggle with this is such a helpless feeling to see your child "out of control" and not know what to do about it. And pray for Frank and me that we might be able to encourage and comfort them in wisdom and gentleness. I confess that I am not always good at helping people...I don't say things in the right way or whatever. Or I don't follow through with my encouragement, thinking there might be someone else who would do a better job. I pray that we will have an opportunity to help, recognize it, take it...

Jennifer Froelich said...

Done for today. I find you to be a great encouragement to me, Anne! I will pray for the Tollmans and you and have faith too that you will give them helpful encouragement.

One of my favorite verses is Colossians 4:6, (Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt so that you may know how you should respond to each person) because sometimes we want to encourage people but don't know what to say; too often I've said nothing for fear that I would say the wrong thing. I pray with this verse in mind and it helps me speak up!

Audrey said...

Done for today.

As each has recieved a gift, minister it to one another, as stewards of the manifold grace of God. I Peter 4:10

I'm missing a couple words. Oops.

The Lady said...

These senior moments seem to be happening a little too often for me. Yes, question 5 should have been included. In fact, what I really meant was to do questions 5 and 6. Oh well. The Thursday bloggers will be happy to have an easy day.

I'm glad you are using your experiences to help the Tolmans, Ann. I know it is a great grief to watch their son behave this way. I like the verse Jennifer shared. It gives some great advice for encouragers!