Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Assignment for September 15

Yesterday's reading challenged us a bit. Today we go forward to look at a few more passages to shed a little light on the subject.

Lesson Four, Day Two


Jennifer Froelich said...

1. Paul was made minister of the gospel by God. He rejoiced in his ability to suffer for the sake of that commission (and his faith). God gave him this stewardship for the benefit of Christians; he was to focus on fully carrying out the preaching of God’s word.
a. It was God’s will that Paul take the word of God to the Gentiles.
b. Jesus said he chose Paul to carry His name to the Gentiles, to kings and to Jews.
c. All of the apostles were commissioned by Jesus to be witnesses to His message in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and to the remotest parts of the Earth.
d. This is a psalm of prayer, petitioning God to bless those who want to share His message all over the earth and in every nation; that people everywhere will heed, praise and fear God.
e. All the families of the Earth would be (have been!) blessed through Abraham’s lineage.
3. In Colossians 1:9 and 2:9, we read that all the fullness of deity dwells in Christ, meaning that the word of God can never be fully understood without acknowledgment of who Christ is; and that we will be taken in by deceitful doctrines if we attempt to understand God’s will without recognizing Jesus as God.
4. The mystery revealed is that Christ would be salvation to Gentiles as well as to the descendents of Abraham. No longer would God only call the Jews His people, but people of the nations (that means me!), through Christ, also have a “hope of glory” – meaning the hope of a Heavenly inheritance as children of God. (Wow.)

Tam said...

Done for today. GREAT comments yesterday and today, can I just say thanks??! ;) I get totally overwhelmed and frustrated by Paul that he doesn't just say what he means...SO confusing!! I wish I had thoughts to add but...no. Thanks for helping clarify gals!

3 Short Ones said...

Done for today, today. And I am also done for yesterday, yesterday, just didn't have time to post.

All your answers have helped me too. And I am almost caught up from last week.