Thursday, September 24, 2009

Assignment for September 24

Happy Thursday! Yesterday Sarah F posted her answers for the 18th so if you have time you might go back to read those. She did a great job.

Those of you who are working on the memory verse seem to be doing well!

On we go!

Lesson Five, Day Four


psychomom said...

done for today.

Qwert said...

As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

Col 2:6-7

used a comma instead of an 'and'

Better next time

Done with today's lesson.

Jennifer Froelich said...

The middle section we discussed today, verses 18-19, always reminds me of those "spiritual" people we run into who seem to think that if they put angel bumper stickers on their cars, do good deeds and follow their own good hearts, they will be pleasing God.

I had a neighbor tell me the other day that God told her to sell wickless candles and to not worry about whether she sold very many, just so long as she was being a light to the world.

I always get baffled and frustrated by things like that because, of course, there's good in there -- both in thought and action. But what these verses tell us: "hold fast to the head!" is that our actions, good or noble as they may be, need to be directed by Christ, not by our own hearts.

Okay. Sorry I had to rant there a little bit.

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, firmly rooted in Him and also built up in Him, established by your faith, as you have been instructed, and overflowing with gratitude." Colossians 2:6-7

I'm getting the gist and the order right, but not the details.

Tam said...

Done for today and Friday...even though it's Saturday now! But maybe there's a problem w/my computer or not a post spot for Friday? I'll post my Friday answers tomorrow...hopefully all is ok, Debbie?!