As we continue on our little study adventure today, we will continue noticing how good and kind our Father is which should help and motivate us to be the same.
I haven't had any response about ideas for the next study. Please give it some thought and share your ideas.
Week Seven, Day Three
Okay, before the day gets any MORE hectic and distracting, here are my answers!
The question that provoked Christ's call to a child was "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
He illustrated by putting a child in their midst.
In Mark it says He took the child into His arms.
If a person causes a child to stumble, it would be better if a millstone was hung on his neck and he was drowned in the sea.
Children were brought to Jesus for Him to lay hands on them and pray for them.
His disciples rebuked those who brought the children.
Jesus responded to the disciples as an opportunity to teach them and because He loved the children.
The purpose in wings in Psalm 91 is protection.
During His 40 days, Christ appeared to Peter, then the 12, 500 at one time, James, then all the apostles.
Mary saw 2 angels in white in the tomb, instead of Jesus' body. The angels asked her first why she was crying, then Jesus asked her. She thought Jesus was the gardener. He identified Himself by calling her by name. She told the disciples she had seen the Lord.
About Mary: Jesus had cast 7 demons out of her; she had ministered to Him in Galilee; She had stayed with his mother during the crucifixion and afterward at the tomb.
Thomas needed to see Jesus for himself before he would believe.
Christ appeared to Thomas 8 days after the other disciples. Christ told Thomas to touch His wounds. Thomas responded, "My Lord and My God!"
Thomas had been ready to die with Christ in John 11.
This James was Jesus' brother. His brothers had not believed in Him in John 7.
The last question required some reviewing my life, which like anyone else, has had its ups and downs. In my youth (approx. 18-21), I had some rebellious years, when I would say I was a "mocker". It wasn't that I didn't believe in God, and I never went "off the deep end", but I definitely didn't want to listen to the Lord...I wanted to do what I wanted to do and not have anyone (even God) telling me what I should do. I look back now, and I see that God and Jesus were loving me and patiently waiting for me to come back and devote my life to them. I'm so glad that the Lord was longsuffering with me and let me live long enough to repent of my youthful foolishness!!! God's grace and mercy are truly great!
Done for today.
I'm fine with looking at other studies by this author. The workload was more, but I have enjoyed the study.
Thank you for your answers, Ann. For those of you who haven't posted in a while and who may still be popping in, please don't think you have to catch up before you can do the current day's lesson. Just jump in where we are. You can catch up later.
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