Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday, March 15

Today is our last day specifically on faith although since this characteristic is the foundation for all the other characteristics we will examine so it will probably come up now and then.  It is also our last day specifically on young, single women.

First let's think about what a woman who is young and single should be doing as a servant of God.  She is free from the responsibilities of a husband and family so she serves in a different way than a married woman.  She is usually also free from health issues that keep some from serving as freely as they might wish.  When we look at Mary in her situation we can learn some principles for the young woman.  She is to be willing to serve in ways that may be outside her comfort zone, living in full submission to God and His plans.  In today's world that would mean living a life different from most of those around her.  She should be holy in mind and body.  As Mary used her freedom to serve others (hurrying to Elizabeth during her confinement) so should young women use their freedom for the same purpose.  What would this look like in today's society?  What are some examples you can think of?

Today's assignment has two parts. Give an example of how a young, single woman can serve in our society.  Secondly,  please share two of your favorite passages on faith.  They can be talking specifically about faith, or they can be examples of faith.

I have an example of a young, single woman living in my house right now.  Rebecca truly exemplifies a life of service.  Her mom is right now in assisted living temporarily.  There is not a day that she does not drive or walk down to spend time with her.  If her mom needs to get out for a while, Rebecca takes her for a drive.  Running errands, helping her shower, doing her laundry, helping her dress - Rebecca spends her life in service.  I am amazed at her unselfishness.

Now for a couple of my favorite faith Scriptures.  The first one is an obvious one - the whole chapter of Hebrews 11.  What an amazing group of people we find there!  These people lived lives of service and pain because of their faith.  Of course there were times of joy, but there was also an awful lot of pain. Faith will lead me outside my comfort zone, even to the point of causing pain, but it's all worth it. Chapter 12:1-2 sums it up, encouraging me to remember these witnesses as I run my race.  I picture them as if they are in the seats of a stadium and I am running in front of them.  They gasp when I fall down and cheer when I get back up.

I also like Hebrews 13:5-6:

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have.  For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  So we may boldly say: "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"

I like the "never leave you nor forsake you" part.  It is very comforting when things are hard, and joyful when things are good.  When I remember this, living without covetousness and being content becomes much easier.

There are so many great passages.  I look forward to hearing your favorites!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, March 14

Today is the day we do some self-examination.  Are there areas in your life that demonstrate a lack of faith? Are there areas in your life that you struggle just a bit to follow God's directives?  It might be an inward struggle that no one else sees.  Have you thought about how it really is a lack of faith?  If I truly believe that God is, and is a rewarder of those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6) then I should be like Mary - "Behold the servant of the Lord."  In fact, she not only agreed without complaint, but when she went to visit Mary she even praised God for giving her the chance to serve.

"My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant:
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed."

This kind of attitude demonstrates true faith.  Mary trusted that God was in control, that He loved her and would help her through what was ahead, that He knew what was best, that He was truly good all the time.

You don't have to share what your private struggles are if you don't want to.  Your assignment is to ask God to show you those areas in your life.  And then you need to make a plan to help you deal with the problem.  Be specific in your plan, remembering the ways to increase your faith we discussed yesterday.  Let us know when you have completed the assignment.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, March 13

Great comments yesterday.  I enjoy getting to know you a little better by reading your thoughts.  Jennifer's comments gave me yet another way to look at Proverbs' teachings which I hadn't considered.  You have two choices:  Listen to your parents and be wise, or be a fool.

Now on to today's lesson...

We know that faith is a very important characteristic of a godly woman.  But what if I look at myself and realize I don't have the kind of faith Mary had?  Maybe I want to have it, but I know in my heart of hearts that I don't.  Maybe I know that if I were asked by God to do what He asked Mary to do, I would not be so gracious, so submissive.  This problem ranges across all ages and situations.  What can I do to increase my faith?  This might seem like a pretty basic question to those of you who have been serving God for a while.  Yet even His most faithful servants sometimes yield to fear or doubt.  Paul seems to have done that because God is careful to reassure him in Acts 18:9-10 that he should not be afraid but continue to preach.

You have probably guessed your assignment for today.  How does one increase her faith?  I don't just want advice; I want Scripture to back it up.  This is good practice for helping someone who needs help increasing her faith.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday, March 12

Yesterday we looked what faith looked like in a young, single teenage/woman in Jesus' time. Ann mentioned that Mary didn't waver, even when she knew her reputation might be ruined and her espousal voided.  She didn't ask for a sign as so many before her had done.  She just submitted.  Sometimes our young people give us the best examples.  Their faith is sometimes more childlike than ours.  I know we have at least one ghost reader.  If there are any others that are young like Mary, you should know that you are not too young to have a strong, mature faith.

 None of the readers I am aware of are still young, single teenage/women but some of us have the opportunity to teach them or have them as daughters.  Today your assignment is to think about the issues these teenagers/young women face in our society and find two passages that might help them to face these issues.  Share the issue and the passages with the group.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 11

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith...

What is faith?  According to this verse it is the foundation upon which we add all the other character qualities Peter says we must add to make our calling and election sure, so that we will never stumble.  I am assuming all you ladies have faith, and that it will be good for all of us to review what it is, in what we have faith, and what it looks like in the physical world.

Our role model for the week is Mary, Jesus' mother.  Mary, when we first meet her, is a young single woman - probably only a teenager.  She is espoused but is still a virgin.  Let's take a few minutes to look at her example today.  Your assignment for today is to find a definition of faith that means something to you and then look at Mary.  Share with us how you see her showing her faith in Luke 1:26-38.  You are not limited to this passage only, but at least read this one for our discussion.