We looked yesterday at some of the main characters mentioned in Colossians. Today we will look at two really powerful characters also in this book. After finishing question 4 I couldn't help but feel really thankful. See if you feel the same.
Lesson Two, Day Two
Definitely. When you actually write out some of God's qualities and actions on our behalf, you can't help but be moved by it. With all that love and grace bestowed on us, I know I'm going to have a great day!
Done for today.
I am so glad she did this because I felt it was missing when I did yesterday's lesson. I started to do it but realized she limited me.
By the way, no more early postings for me - unless I do it the night before - if the last two mornings are any indication.
Sorry this is so late in the day, but this back to school stuff is craziness! :O
1. The name of Christ tells us that He is the Messiah, the chosen one of Israel. He is the One prophesied about -- of King David’s throne, symbolically anointed as our King just as David was anointed.
2. We should strive to be worthy and to please Him in all that we do.
3. Jesus’ kingdom was given by the Father, who gives us, by grace, an inheritance in it.
4. It was God’s will that Paul become an apostle. He gives us grace and peace. We can please God by getting to know Him and His will better. God is powerful and will strengthen us with that power. He has “glorious might.” God carried us out of the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom and has qualified us to share in the inheritance of Heaven, through Jesus, whom He loves.
I definitely agree, Debbie. Wehn I read that God "delivered us" from the domain of darkness, I couldn't help picturing Him carrying me through it toward that inheritance "in light." God's grace is beautiful!
Done for today (and yesterday, and sorry about my lapse last week--I did all the lessons, then forgot to post my answers on Thursday and again on Friday, because... well, no excuse. Just forgot!).
I agree about how powerful it is to really focus on God's qualities. And on #2, focusing on Jesus as our ruler, our whole aim really should be to please him. Great things to keep in mind!
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