Friday, September 18, 2009

Assignment for September 18

Here we are at another Friday. I want to tell you all how much I am appreciating your comments. I know you are all busy ladies and that makes the time you spend with me here more precious.

Trudy called me yesterday to let me know that she isn't just sitting out on us. Unfortunately her computer is not hers but is her husband's work computer so it often disappears with him while he works. She IS doing her lessons and writing down her answers and feels bad that she can't always post like the rest of us. I encouraged her to go ahead and post her answers even if they are late, assuring her we can go back to look at them at that time. The same is true for all of you - if you miss your day to post answers and have them done, feel free to post them anyway. I am notified any time anyone posts on any post so I will always see them.

On we go with Paul's example today. He sets a high standard, doesn't he? I hope none of you are discouraged by that, but motivated to always try just a little harder to show your love to our Father.

Lesson Four Day Five


psychomom said...

hmmmmmmmmmm, I was waiting to see what people thought about today's question... did you think SHE thinks we should all be missionaries? You could take it either way...

The Lady said...

I didn't take it that way. That might just be because I don't feel like I have to go away to find someone to teach the gospel. haha

Tam said...

I definately don't think we all need to become missionaries, there are so many people in our day-to-day lives who don't know the truth about God. Though I HIGHLY admire those who have committed their lives missions...
-I felt like the biggest point from Col. 4:2-6 was staying prayerful, something I'm really trying to be better about. Anyway, examples:
vs. 2 Devote yourselves to prayer
3 And pray for us too, for opportunities to teach
4 Pray the truth is proclaimed clearly
-Other points were being sure we're always considering out actions & words before we do/say anything. That we're taking advantage of every opportunity to share God's love with others.
As Christians who have received the Holy Spirit we're witnesses to Him wherever we are.

2. I feel like it's against my nature to be joyful when I suffer, but it doesn't mean shouldn't be. I tend to immediately feel like I'm doing something wrong if I'm suffering, instead of remembering that it's a joy to suffer for the only worthy cause out there.

3. I love Col. 2:2 "My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

SarahK said...

I know this is way late, but here it is:

1)The apostles had a different commission that we as Christians do not have. They healed, performed miracles, etc. We are to spread the gospel, as they did, but we're not all going to be missionaries. We can't all do the same thing, we each have our strengths and talents that we bring to the body.

The roles for the Christians in Colossae:
a Watch and pray
b Pray for ministers of the gospel
c Pray for open doors so we can declare the mystery of Christ
d Walk in wisdom towards outsiders, being gracious in speech and knowing how to answer each person.

2) We should be joyful when we suffer for the sake of the gospel. But that's easier said than done. Even though our suffering for the gospel here in America is so small compared to Christians in communist countries and Islamic dictatorships, for example, it is still hard for us to take joy in the little we do suffer. That's something I need to work on for sure.

3)I picked Colossians 1:28. "Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ."

Qwert said...

I picked v28 as well - but I haven't memorized it. Working on 2:6-7.

THanks for posting.