Today we learn what happened to the lady at the beginning of the chapter! As you read about her story, think about our own little congregation and how if each one of us do even one little thing for someone in need what a great impact it can have. A note once a month to Dawn...a card to Don B....a phone call to Joan to say hello...a comment to a mom to let her know you notice her hard work...the list is endless. Sometimes we are called to do something harder, but usually helping out is really pretty easy. We just have to overcome our fear with love.
Today answer questions 5, 6, and 7.
5. Paul says that the fainthearted and weak need the most encouragement. I notice he adds being patient with everybody right after that. Sometimes its easy to forget the really hard times when we're doing well, so we get a little impatient with those who are weak. We need to know each other well enough to have a good idea what each needs when they're weak...what I need for encouragement might be totally different from what Jennifer or Brooke needs. This takes EFFORT to know each other! But even if we don't know each other as well as we should, a note or a phone call or even a loving email can totally brighten someone's day and doesn't take a "mountainous" effort.
6. A good word makes a heart glad. Saying something loving and understanding can help offset the worries that sometimes plague us.
7. Paul says not to use "corrupt" speech; one version says foul or abusive language. Our words are powerful things, and we can use them to tear down or build up. We should always be using them to build each other up and help (this is difficult for me...choosing the right words)
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. rom. 12:9
Done for today.
"Let love be without hypocrisy; abhor what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love, give preference to one another in honor." Rom. 12:9-10
Caught up for this week! I've been so behind and I've really missed our study...maybe I'll be back on track now ;)
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