Friday, July 10, 2009

Assignment for Friday, July 10

Happy Friday! On our last day in this study we will be looking at victorious living. We have been richly blessed by our relationship with God. Today will remind us of how to fully enjoy those blessings.

Week Ten, Day Five

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, July 9

Only two days left, ladies. The prepost option has not been working and I will not be in town tomorrow morning so if there is no new post in the morning, just post on today's post instead.
This week has been good for me. I was thinking that maybe I need to start EVERY morning studying self-control or maybe put a big sign up on the refrigerator: You have self-control. lol So many times in our lives we forget that the battle is already won - we just need to believe it and act accordingly.

Week Ten, Day Four

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, July 8

I would expect someone with great wisdom to also have great self-control, but in reality that is not always the case. Today we will look at Solomon and what his lack of self-control did in his life.

Audrey's comment about having her toes stepped on so much in this study made me think about healing. As you all know, I am in the process of having my sprained shoulder fixed and the process so far has been VERY painful. Yesterday the chiropractor told me that I should expect things to feel worse before they got better. Today I feel like someone beat up my arm. But that is the way to full recovery. It's the same spiritually sometimes. Killing the flesh is just painful.

Week Ten, Day Three

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Assignment for Tuesday, July 7

Another day, another lesson. We are almost finished with this study. I would love to hear what has helped you most in this series so far.

Week Ten, Day Two

Monday, July 6, 2009

Assignment for Monday, July 6

Are you ready for this week, ladies? Self-control, the final subject, is often the hardest one for individuals to develop. I'm looking forward to learning what this author has to teach us.

After talking to a couple of you in person, I have decided that our next study will begin August 3. If you are interested in continuing with me in the interim between the this study and the next, let me know and if you have something you would like to study, let me know that too!

Week Ten, Day One