Sunday, September 27, 2009

Assignment for September 28 it dawned on my Friday night as I was cuddled in between my two sleeping granddaughters that I had forgotten to post that day. I did my lesson...but forgot to post. Then when I checked the blog I found that none of the Friday people had blogged and I hoped it wasn't because I forgot to post. Feel free to post those answers on today's blog, you Friday ladies.

Today we slow down our pace a bit as we continue to work our way through the book of Colossians. We will spend a whole week looking at just a few verses so they can really sink in. There is a new memory work challenge today. Anyone up to it?


Qwert said...

I am early I see.

1. Read several times
2. v4 - Never really saw this - "Christ who is our life" I have been thinking about it since I read it. It is a 'wow' thought to me this morning.
v2 - How to always keep my thoughts above? especially when doing housework, taxes, etc. Can not think of two things at once. I have learned to do my work 'to the Lord' but still need to always follow that principle.

MV - As you have therefore received Christ,so walk in Him rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Col 2:6-7

OH, so close. s/b Christ Jesus the Lord.

Ladies - are we up for the next memory verse? She wants us to learn 3:1-4. I will try but those verses may not be short enough for this brain.

psychomom said...

did my lesson on Friday, but had no place to blog! :)
done for today too.

Drama Queens said...

done for today--I think the question that keeps running through my mind is the "how"--how do I constantly have my thoughts on things above--kind of like what Julie said-when I am doing the dishes, folding laundry, being a nurse at work--HOW do I constantly think of God?? Is it just that I am supposed to be doing things as well as I can and knowing that I am living my life for Him, even if I am not thinking those thoughts every second??

sarahk said...

Ok, here are my answers from Friday. I'll tell you now--I had NO idea what she was getting at with the last question, so I left it blank. Maybe someone else can help me out with that one?

1) My translation says "died to the basic principles of this world." I take this two ways. First, we shouldn't focus on society's norms or the rules that other people put on us regarding our faith but we should keep our mind focused on Christ. But mainly I take it this way: the basic principles of the world and worldly things are the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, which all lead to sin. So we need to be dead to these sin-causing things and thus dead to sin. Part of our memory verse says we are to be rooted in Him. That's how we put aside the "elemental spirits."

2) Human regulations perish with use, because they are based on human commands and teaching. They have the appearance of wisdom, but they lack value in restraining sensual indulgence.

3) We live in the world. So many of the people we come in contact with on a daily basis are behaving as if they belong to the world, and as if nothing is wrong with the way they live. It's easy to get sucked into that and hard to distance from the world.


memory verse:
Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving. Col 2:6-7

sarahk said...

Wowee, we have to memorize 4 verses!! This could take me a while. :)

Done for today, except the memorizing, but I think I have some of it memorized:

If then you have been raised in Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above... Colossians 3:1-part of 2. :)

Oh, close. No cigar.

On #2, one thing that struck me hard was "for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God." WOW. Our true life, the eternal one, is waiting for us with Christ. Powerful!

Qwert said...

On #4, I looked at it as our motivation. Paul reminds the Colossians, and us, of all we have in Christ. So in thanksgiving and love, we want to walk in His ways. It goes to how you look at the Bible: is it a rule book to follow or is it a love message from God showing me how to be with Him in heaven.

Qwert said...

Done for today. I felt very humble and thankful remembering (meditating) on Jesus in heaven (3c). It is a good feeling and memory to start the day with.

Now for the memory verse:

If you have been raised with Christ, seek those things that are above, where Christ is, sitting on the right hand of God. 2Seek those things that are above, and not those on earth... (verse 3) 4When Christ appears, we will (something) see his glory.

Ok for the first time, I guess. Starting to get the gist, then will work on the specifics.

As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Col 2:6-7

sarahk said...

Well said on #4. I just couldn't even figure out what she wanted. :)