As we wrap up our week on brotherly love, let's spend our time today thinking about what it looks like. I loved the list Ann posted of good works she can do. They are things we can all do, don't require a lot of money, and can make a huge difference in someone's life. Actually, if only a few do the things on Ann's list a whole congregation can be changed because these things build trust and relationships. Do you sometimes feel like since you are only one person you cannot possibly make a difference? That's a lie Satan uses on us all. Don't believe it.
In my little home school my granddaughter has been studying about Gideon. One of the questions she had to answer was, "Why do you think God chose Gideon?" Gideon asked the same question:
15 So he said to Him, “O my Lord,[b] how can I save Israel? Indeed my clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house.”
16 And the Lord said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one man.”
After some discussion we decided He probably chose Gideon just because he was the least in his father's house who was in the weakest clan. No one would question who was the one saving Israel. Weak, fearful Gideon with only 300 men would never be able to do what they did without God's help.
God has probably not asked you to save a nation by attacking a huge army with only 300 men, but He has asked you to develop and show brotherly love which may just save a soul. And He has asked you to do it diligently and to grow in it. Jesus gives us a key to how to do this when He says, "Love your neighbor as yourself." First you have to learn to love yourself as God does. Studying will bring you to a realization of just how much God does love you - even though you are sometimes unlovable and cranky. Accepting that love will then give you the courage and ability to reflect that love to those around you. When someone is irritating or acting ugly you can learn to look past the actions to the precious soul and love them anyway - just as God loves you.
Assignment for today:
Read 1 Corinthians 13 and spend some time reflecting on how you can apply this in your relationship (or lack of it) with a difficult person in your life. Share any insights you think might help the rest of us.