1. From Colossians 3:15 – the peace should rule in my heart, the peace called, be thankful for this peace, the peace is from God 2. From 3:16 – dwell in me richly; all wisdom; used to teach and admonish one another; comes out in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; through singing with grace in my heart to God 3. A. “in the name of” means by that person’s authority 3. B. To do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus means that all my thoughts and actions should be done through and by His authority. 3. C. The previous passages that came to my mind were 2:6-7, mainly 7 for the part of what I do – As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, (7) rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Also, Col 1:15-18, regarding His authority. 4. A. Christ is central in each verse: – 15 – He is the example of having God’s peace rule in us. – 16 – Through Him we teach, admonish, and sing with grace to the Lord – 17 – We act by His authority 4. B. Thankfulness flows out of each as a natural result of each blessing from God: – 15 – His peace – 16 – His word – 17 – His authority leading to our service
Here are my thoughts to her questions:
1. From Colossians 3:15 – the peace should rule in my heart, the peace called, be thankful for this peace, the peace is from God
2. From 3:16 – dwell in me richly; all wisdom; used to teach and admonish one another; comes out in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; through singing with grace in my heart to God
3. A. “in the name of” means by that person’s authority
3. B. To do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus means that all my thoughts and actions should be done through and by His authority.
3. C. The previous passages that came to my mind were 2:6-7, mainly 7 for the part of what I do – As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, (7) rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Also, Col 1:15-18, regarding His authority.
4. A. Christ is central in each verse:
– 15 – He is the example of having God’s peace rule in us.
– 16 – Through Him we teach, admonish, and sing with grace to the Lord
– 17 – We act by His authority
4. B. Thankfulness flows out of each as a natural result of each blessing from God:
– 15 – His peace
– 16 – His word
– 17 – His authority leading to our service
Sorry, I did not prioritize this last week, so I'm playing catch up. I'm going to do last week's lessons before I start on this week.
That's fine, Sarah. I'm glad you are still with us!
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