This is our last week in this study. I hope you all will blog every day to let me know you are still with us. I have an extra assignment for you. Over the last couple of weeks I have asked for input for our next study and have not received any. At this point I am interpreting that to mean it may be time for a break. It would be helpful if you would let me know your thoughts about this. I would also like to know from which of our studies so far you have benefitted most so I have an idea of what author we might use in the future. If we take a break, I'm thinking we would start again after the holidays in January. ANY input would be appreciated!!
For myself, I have not enjoyed this particular author as much as the others. I am not exactly sure why - it may just be that at this point in my life I haven't found Colossians to be as inspiring as I did Proverbs for whatever reason, and that's probably because I didn't have such sore toes throughout the study. lol There have been some days I have particularly enjoyed, but for the most part I have found it a little dull - not Colossians, but this author's approach. Now if you have found it to be just the opposite, please let me know. We are all different ladies with different needs and personalities and at different points in our lives.
This week we will be looking at Philemon, a short book but full of interesting things. Today's assignment is to just read the book so there are no answers to post. Just let me know you did it.
Lesson Ten, Day One
I have really struggled to get these lessons done, do them on time and thoroughly -- and, mostly it seems, to post that I'm done (unless it was my day to post!) I think I do need a break, unfortunately.
I have only been with you ladies for two studies; I've enjoyed them both but have not been very analytical about what I liked and what I didn't. If we are taking a break, then I'll use that time to look around and see if any other studies look interesting to me and I'll let you know.
Oh! I'm done for today! :)
Well, Debbie knows my feelings--I was not a big fan of the author of this book. I LOVED our Proverbs study (way back when) but I know that we had ordered another book from the same author and that one wasn't as great either...ugh. I think starting in January would be a great thing and I too will look around for books!
I did do my reading (yesterday), and I was just thinking myself that I need a break from the daily study routine (since we also have Sunday morning and Cottage Class studies to do)...anyway, I haven't been too impressed with this study either. I do like the thorough, methodical approach of this author, but Colossians wasn't exactly what I'm needing at the moment either. Personally, I have enjoyed the Old Testament studies we've done in the past year best...maybe I'm getting old, but the poetry/wisdom literature really "speaks" to me at this point in my life. I must leave decisions up to other people, and I promise not to complain too much (unless everybody is!). ;)
I have caught up, through Wednesday.
In regards to studies - I am a doer - not so much analytical. I like any study I am doing but some more than others (some do get boring - not the Word but how the author challenges me). But I did notice that some people got more out of some than I did and vice versa.
I liked most of this one - mostly because of the memory verses I learned. Especially as most of the book wrapped around them very well. I, however, don't see how her methodology of theme verses will work in every book or most books of the bible.
If I remember right: I liked the Myrna Alexander studies (the timeliness of those may have been a HUGE factor). She and I thought alike. The Women of Faith one was light, not so challenging. The Beth Moore one was to 'flowery' for me and too much of her teaching and not enough Bible teaching. That's all I can remember about past studies. There may be more.
Now to the break - I would like one because I have something I want to pull together out of the Bible and this would open up time in my schedule to do it. So if you will start again in January, that's fine with me. Granted I will do the work, post on my day, but limited access once tax season gets going.
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