Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, May 6

Today we move on to look at Galatians 2 and the importance and meaning of being crucified with Christ. The author makes some pretty accurate observations about the consequences of choosing such a life. I'm interested in your comments and experiences in this area.

After reading Audrey's comment yesterday I started thinking that maybe each week those of you who want to participate in the memory verse challenge should pick one of the daily verses from the whole week - one that will help you in your daily walk. Even if you don't memorize it, taping it to the bathroom mirror is a great idea. If you DO decide to memorize it, then post your efforts for us all to see so we can enourage you in your progress along the way.

And now, on to Galatians 2...


The Lady said...

Hmmm. Where is everybody? I hope the site wasn't messing up so you couldn't post!

Audrey said...

Bummer! I saw that no one had posted yet and was hoping that I'd be the first one to post at 10:32. Oh well.

I'm done for today.

Drama Queens said...

Well...I did NOT get an early start this morning...but I am done now!
Acts 14:22
Strengthening and encouraging the disciples reminding them to remain true to their faith 'we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of heaven" they said
I had to take a teeny peek 3 times just to get the next word

Qwert said...

Done - one day late.

One question - on page 19, she says Paul is younger than Peter. How do we know that? I never really thought about it and I haven't researched it yet. That statement surprised me - and got me thinkin'.

psychomom said...

I see the theme of chapter 2 being that I am crucified with Christ, so it's not my life but His. He lives through me.

Paul opposed Peter because Peter was being a hypocrite when the Jewish Christians were around and separating himself from the Gentiles.

Some reasons Paul might avoid confronting Peter: He's THE preeminent apostle; he's been a Christian much longer than i have; maybe someone else will see and say something who has known him a lot longer than i have...

The disciples were pretty clueless about Jesus' true purpose.

Jesus resolved His internal struggle by giving the whole thing over to God's will

Jesus overcame His negative feelings by focusing on the joy to come after (and also by "despising" or "not caring about" the shame he had to endure)

We can find solace in the the things to come...the things God has prepared for us in heaven

The disciples fled in fear

Jesus praye alone; the disciples slept.

Jesus had to stand before accusers (false ones), and at times we must do the same, when people accuse Jesus of being false. We must be ready to defend Him.

Heb.13 - Jesus bore shame and disgrace and we must being willing to do the same

My guess about the sour wine is that Jesus didn't want to dull His senses, He wanted to experience the whole thing. Any other thoughts?

Being crucified with Christ is a very difficult selfish stubborn will is strong. Sometimes subduing it to let Christ live in me is exhausting and many times I fail, but I keep reminding myself that as long as I keep trying and don't give up, God and Jesus won't give up on me either! What a comfort.

Jennifer Froelich said...

I also just finished Wednesday's lesson TODAY (Thursday). I wondered about Paul being younger than Peter. Hmmm. I liked what she said about not ignoring our "rights" but surrendering them. That's about attitude, right? Something I need help with...constantly!

The Lady said...

Well I'm pretty sure we don't know the ages of Peter or Paul, but Paul was younger in the faith than Peter at least. And that would be a common excuse for not speaking up.