Thursday, January 22, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, January 22

Whoops! I'm a little late this morning. Today's assignment is to do questions 7 and 8. Enjoy!


Jennifer Froelich said...

Done for today.

"And consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." James 1:2-3

"And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds." Heb. 10:24

Okay, I didn't need that first "and."

3 Short Ones said...

#7 - I think the author is looking for the answer that we should practice what we are preaching. However, it seems that when you read this verse as well as the surrounding passages Paul defending himself and his apostleship. I think vs. 14 might also be talking about the fact that it is okay to earn a living doing God's work. I am interested to see what you all think....

#8 - I felt like the whole context of this passage should be used in answering this question. So I looked to Acts 20:18-22. Paul describes his efforts as preaching with humility, tears and trails. Even through all these troubles, he kept sharing Gods word and Jesus's plan in public and house to house.

Tam said...

Done for yesterday and today. I was a little confused by #7 too, I was wondering if, along with Brooke's answer, it means we should be providing support for those who are spending alot of time preaching. Helping provide for that person (money, meals, encouragement) as they may be extra busy teaching others about Jesus...helping make it easier for those who may have alot of Bible studies, etc. going on.

Drama Queens said...

And consider it all joy, my brethren when you encounter various trials for trials produce patience ahhh...I can't remember where it is found...1 Tim maybe??
NOPE...James 1:2-3
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works Heb 10:24

Drama Queens said...

Here are my answers for today.
7) I think it is saying we are not only to preach God's word (which can be intimidating at times) but to LIVE God's word.
8)Paul did not hesitate in teaching God's message. He preached on what would be helpful and did not care if it was in public or private.

Audrey said...

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.

James 1:2-3

Done for today

The Lady said...

My feeling about number 7 is that the way it applies to this study is to indicate that our responsibility is to support evangelists. That's one way we can "preach" even if we don't actually do it ourselves.

It seems that sometimes this author picks verses that, in my opinion, don't really seem to prove her point. I think there might be other verses that would apply better - but then again, since we don't have a teacher's manual with the answers, it could be that I am just missing her point. That's why I'm glad I have all you ladies to look at this too and give your input!

Tam said...

Guess what! I found a teachers guide in the back of my study book! Does everyone have one? Anyway, it says that for #7 the author is going for the answer of "practice what you preach", but I still don't get how she's getting that from the context of this verse...anyway...

3 Short Ones said...

I found the leaders guide at the back of my book too. I did read it earlier today, but just assumed all the books were the same??? Maybe not. Anyway, I didn't think that her point went with the context of the verse as well as others could have. All your points though did make sense though on supporting those that do preach.

Drama Queens said...

I am wondering if the author may use the NIV version in her studies? I know most people don't like it, but I used it tonight (just because it was handy) and thought the verses went a little better (although it's still not great)

Qwert said...

Caught up. I don't have anything to add. But agree with what you all said about the 1 Cor passage. I liked Brooke's point about the Acts passage because it is encouraging to hear about 'tears and trials' - those stories let you know you aren't alone in your own 'tears and trials.'