Monday, September 21, 2009

Assignment for September 21

Good morning, ladies! Are you ready to start lesson 5? Yep, you are.

This week we venture into chapter two and start making some applications in our own lives. There is a memory work challenge in today's lesson. I'll make it optional, but I'd like to hear how many of you actually take the challenge.

Lesson Five, Day One


Qwert said...

1. Since we started this lesson, I have looked back to these verses - never really tried to memorize them but have remembered them. Now she has challenged me. I will accept the challenge.

(back) just wrote it on an index card. We will see how it goes.

2. This may help me...(although it won't come close to anything creative - not in my nature)...

a. You accepted Christ
b. so follow Him
c. keep building on the foundation of your faith
d. remember your teaching and grow in it

thought of a summary of the above


Qwert said...

Here's my first attempt at verse 6

So you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,

(I think there is a 'therefore' - I was right- should be after 'have')

Now 7

rooted and built up in Him and (some e word) in your faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

the e word is established.

psychomom said...

done for today. since I am already undertaking a major memorization challenge, working on this one would only confuse me...however, as we keep going back to it over and over, I'll bet I have it mostly memorized by the end of the study! :)
(i did outline it with pictures, which always helps me)

Tam said...

Uuuh, I'll see how the memory verse goes this week...right now I'm having trouble remembering ANYTHING! Done for today. And sorry about no post from me on Friday! We took our office apart=no internet...before I remembering it was my turn to answer! I'll put them up now though.

Drama Queens said...


Qwert said...


Colossians 2:6-7

So you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.

Couple of mistakes but got the gist. Now just tweaking.