Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday morning

Can you believe another week has zipped by? Amazing. I have finished Revelation and have started my summer/fall project. I have decided to copy the New Testament by hand. This will help me slow down my reading and promote more meditation on what I write. I started the book of Philippians yesterday as that is our current midweek study. What are you all up to?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


As I continue through Revelation I find myself thinking about expectations. I think in the back of my mind, a small part of me expects that God will always answer my prayers the way I want Him to. Maybe sometimes I have a tendency to think of Him as my own personal genie. If I am faithful, then He should protect me from harm. Is this a scriptural concept? Of course not. In fact, Jesus actually promised that the faithful would suffer in this life. So when life hands me those trials and disappointments, I should not feel abondoned by my God, but thankful He is there to walk with me as I go through it.

What are you thinking about today?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


What a gorgeous summer day yesterday was! I enjoyed most of the day out in the garden, getting rid of weeds that had grown almost to my shoulders. Whenever I weed I think of how sin is. I didn't have time to get those weeds when they were small. Now they are a real challenge to conquer. It can be done, but it's oh so much harder! So it is with sin. If we can catch those subtle little attitudes while they are small it isn't such a big deal, but if we let things grow it is quite a challenge. Let's all keep our eyes and hearts open - looking for those little weeds and killing them before they take over.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Good morning, ladies. I guess the final decision on the blog this summer is that I'll continue to post daily and you all can post whenever you like. I haven't done my reading yet for today so will have to let you know anything interesting later on. It appears that it will be a beautiful day here in the valley. I hope you all have a chance to get out and enjoy God's creation as well as listen to His Word.