Friday, October 16, 2009

Assignment for October 16

Friday, Friday. And the Ladies' Retreat! I hope you all have a chance to post today as I know it will be a busy one for many of you. It's not a large assignment today - just a prayer. Friday ladies, you don't need to actually post your prayer unless you want to. You might just give us ideas on how to apply these principles to various relationships.

Lesson Eight, Day Five

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Assignment for October 15

What happened to my Wednesday ladies? I heard from Trudy who is still doing the lessons daily but can't seem to connect with a computer to post.

Today we continue our look at household commands - this time with master/slave and parent/child relationships. Now, not too many of you are masters, although your children might disagree about that, but many of you ARE parents so there are things we may be able to apply today.

Lesson Eight Day Four

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Assignment for October 14

Now we get down to what it looks like to be clothed in righteousness as a wife. I don't think this will cause any of us any problems, but it is definately a challenge to many women outside Christ.

Lesson Eight Day Three

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Assignment for October 13

Happy Tuesday, ladies. Today we look at what the author calls "household rules." Wearing our new clothes involves walking worthy of our calling. These "rules" teach us what that looks like.

Lesson Eight, Day Two

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Assignment for October 12

This week we will be looking at applications from the principles we have examined so far. This could be interesting....

Week Eight, Day One