Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Assignment for August 26

Good morning, ladies (or afternoon or evening)!

Trudy is still with us but she downloaded a virus onto Jeff's computer so it is currently being fixed. She will continue to do the lessons and will rejoin us when the computer is back home.

Today as we continue looking at the book of Colossians as a unit, our author wants us to find its "shape." You might think of this as a brief outline or maybe a plot. If you have the right theme, it will all fit together. If it doesn't fit, you might reconsider your theme to try to make a better fit. Have fun!

Lesson One, Day Three


Qwert said...

Done for yesterday and today - as well as tomorrow. Got up at 5:30 and just kept going.

psychomom said...

To be honest, it's very hard for me to find a "plot" for the book and ignore the commentary and headings to sections, once I've already read them! But I'll try...

1. Paul is a master at developing a theme and building on it in his letters. He starts by greeting the church and telling them the good things he's heard about them. He goes on to say how he prays for them constantly, that they would grow in their understanding of Christ and in pleasing God through Him. He explains about Christ's superiority and His Kingship, being the Head of the Church. Paul goes into his own service and sacrifices for Christ. He spends the next chapter warning the disciples not to follow any man's philosophy, but Christ; not to try to follow the law of Moses(or ones made up by men), but Christ. Then he starts making application of what is entailed in following put off the fleshly lusts and sins, and to put on Christian qualities that reflect Christ in us. He gives specific instructions to men, women, children, parents, workers, and masters. He closes with personal greetings and a final instruction to read the letter to other churches.
2. Using those two verses as the theme, I would divide the book into chapters 1-2, as the reason WHY we follow Christ and no one else, and chapters 3-4 as practical application on HOW to walk in Christ.
3. Further divisions might be... Christ, not human philosophy
Christ, not manmade religious laws
Christ, not worldly lusts
Christ and your new character
Christ in your home and life

I have no idea if this is the type of thing she's looking for...

The Lady said...

That was great, Ann!

Drama Queens said...

OH man!!! I forgot this was the week we were starting...remembered last week, then my mind just sorry! I will start from here tonight!! Sorry!!

Tam said...

Done for today.

Drama Queens said...

OK--so I am done for today and yesterday--although I did have to look at Ann's answers for #3 on todays' because I couldn't quite figure out what she was asking for!! I'm back in the swing and should be ready to post tomorrow--whenever my house is quiet enough to concentrate :)

The Lady said...

Nice to have you along again, Sarah. :)

SarahK (Sarah F) said...

I did Tuesday's and Wednesday's lessons on the right days... I just did them in bed and didn't get out of bed to get my computer and post. This one confused me, because #1 and #3 were basically the same question, so for #3, I just wrote, "See #1." But maybe I went into too much detail when I did #1?

Qwert said...

Sarah K (F) - did you see my answer? Did the same as you #3.

But for #1 - I had 'already did this' because I did it on Day 2 with question 2b.