Friday, January 23, 2009

Assignment for Friday, January 23

We are about to finish another week! Today's assignment is to answer question 9 and the Digging Deeper question. Would anyone like to recap what we have learned so far?


Qwert said...

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. James 1:2-3

Drama Queens said...

Consider it pure joy my brethren when you encounter various trials for trials produce perseverance James 1:2-3
I am getting the jist of the verse, just not the word for word...
Done for today.
I think so far we have learned that we must really work to hold strong to our faith and encourage each other, not just in the latest news of our lives, but also as God's people. We cannot encourage eachother to be strong in our faith if we never talk about it.

Jennifer Froelich said...

I'm done for today too. I think I've learned in the past two weeks that encouragement is multi-faceted beyond what I've really thought about before. That it's a stronger action than just dropping a few words when they occur to us (not that those things aren't necessary or appreciated!)

I'm going to just take a moment here to tell all of you ladies how encouraged I have been since we moved here. Leaving a big congregation for a smaller one; I had preconceived notions about what opportunities I would have here. But God shines through you all and I feel overwhelmingly blessed to share in your faith here in Boise! Thanks :)

"Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance." James 1:2-3

psychomom said...

I have a had a very hard week, personally, ladies, and it is a great encouragement to me to be doing this study with all of you...the timing of this topic is providential (sp?) for me, as it is helping to keep me from total despair! Thanks for all your thoughtful and insightful're helping me more than you know just by your perseverance in doing the study!

Tam said...

So far I've learned just how important/necessary it is to have one another for encouragement, that God wants us to be that way for eachother b/c we need it! Also how important it is to really talk about/be honest and open about our lives, especially regarding our walk with God!
Here are my anwers for today...
9- We're to be mutually encouraged by eachother's faith, we should all try and be encouraging and we should all take encouragement when it is given!
DD- We're supposed to fight together for the faith, fight for truth and against those who claim to be preaching it but aren't...And fighting together takes working and training together, practice, and a strong hold on God! I think we can encourage eachother so much by remembering that we all have a common goal.

Audrey said...

9. Being together with those that have the same faith as we do helps us through those tough times. We can find great comfort just knowing that there are others who share our faith and our goals. We are not alone.

Digging Deeper - We are to keep our eyes open looking for those who might creep in and try to destroy our faith. We are to "contend earnestly" for our faith. I looked up both of those words because I wasn't sure of their exact definition, and I found it interesting that the definition for "contend" is "to assert or maintain earnestly." What I found interesting is that content has the idea of earnestly in it, and Jude uses the word "earnestly" again. This faith is something that is extremely important and we're to defend it double earnestly. :-)

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. James 1:2-3

The Lady said...

Wow. Great comments, ladies. You ALL are an encouragement to me because you spur me on to study deeper and show me different perspectives on things which helps me understand people better and learn a little better how to be an encouragement myself.

Audrey did a good job looking up those words. The definitions she shared show us that continuing to be faithful is a hard job that takes time and commitment. We really need each other to help make it through to the end.