Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day Twelve

Hmmmm. I'm not feeling especially verbal right now but I'm looking forward to reading your posts.


Qwert said...

Nehemiah 1-4

His prayers have been my focus this morning. I wonder what he prayed after the king's question. Throughout my readings have been noted the prayers listed - especially how they begin. Trying to add some of those ways to my own. Namely, praising God more and focusing on His characteristics and His deeds. Before I start thanking and requesting.

Chapter 3 generally a 'boring' chapter - mainly same format every verse with new names and places. But just to keep it interesting, little tidbits come out. Nobles aren't ' putting their shoulders to the work of the Lord', daughters are helping in the building, and one man is 'diligently' working on the wall.

The Lady said...

Ooh, Audrey! You are up and at it early this morning! Look out, Julie. lol

Audrey said...

Well, I'm trying out a new morning routine. It includes getting my Bible stuff done first thing in the morning before the girls are ready to start their day, so we'll see how it works. Don't worry though, Julie. I do not plan to ever post at 5:35 am.

The Lady said...

We are missing some of our ladies tonight. Maybe they will post later. You all tend to stay up later than I do.

Today I read two more chapters in Luke and noticed the different reactions to Jesus' miracles. Peter was frightened and asked Him to go away. The majority of the people seemed overjoyed that He could heal them. The leaders were angry when He healed on the Sabbath. I guess at first I was wondering why Peter would be so afraid that he would ask Jesus to leave him, but I think he must have been accutely aware of the sin in his life. Then I started wondering how I would respond to Jesus appearing to me and doing a miracle. Whoa. It COULD be a little scary but we have the spiritual blessing of being part of His family so we don't need to be afraid. What a wonderful blessing! However, I also believe I would be quite aware of the sin in my life as I stood before His perfect self.