Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day Thirteen

Here we are at the halfway mark of another week. Do you realize that February is nearly half over? I'm so thankful you are using some of your fleeting time to study and educate yourselves about spiritual things. I hope (and believe you are) that you are also finding ways to apply the things you are learning. Keep asking yourself, "What does that look like in MY life?"


The Lady said...

Hmmm. Julie must be sleeping in! lol

Audrey said...

What?!?! Did I actually beat Julie? Woohoo!! Mom, if you hadn't said anything then I could be first.

Done for today.

The Lady said...

You're still first. I haven't read my assignment yet. :)

psychomom said...

Guys, I TOTALLY thought I posted yesterday, I really did...a silver moment strikes again. I went back to yesterday to see if I had missed anyone's posting and thought, "Hey! Where's mine?" then realized I never did post. Sigh...

Well, I did do my reading and got caught up from the weekend and memorized Romans 3:1-3 and today I read Exodus 36-37 (more description of the making of the tabernacle) and the second half of Matthew 25. The parable of the talents struck me "afresh" today, because the one talent man didn't use his talent out of FEAR. That one really strikes home every time I read it. But THIS time when I read it, I knew I'm not like him (at the moment), because I'm working hard to overcome my "talent fears". That feels good.

Here is my attempt to quote Rom. 3:1-6 (it will have some blank spots I'm sure) NKJV -
"What advantage then has the Jew? Or what is the profit of circumcision? Much in every way! Chiefly because to them are committed the oracles of God. For what if some do not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not! Indeed, for God is true and every man a liar. As it is written:
Something something Your something
and something somthing judgment.
Then something about their unrighteousness and God's righteousness, and I can't remember the rest (just started 4-6 this morning...I'll keep working on it)

Qwert said...

Actually I did sleep in - woke up at 6am. Did my reading - Neh 5-7. I liked his little prayers at the end of a section. I think people call these arrow prayers (shoot them up to God). Anyway, it appears he is writing a diary, and sums up what he wants to remember, request from the Lord.

I never thought of Nehemiah as a book to learn about prayer but it is a short book (especially taking out the 'boring' chapters) with a high percentage of prayer examples.

Drama Queens said...

well--I am done for yesterday (my day sort of spun out of control after a deceptively calm morning). Finishing up on Rahab-learning more about how God forgave her and how that mirrors His forgiveness to us. Just as Rahab became part of His chosen people, we become part of His family when we are baptized and obedient.
Now off to do my Acts homework.

The Lady said...

Today I read Luke 8 and noticed that this time when Jesus performed a miracle, ALL the people feared. It was when He raised the widow's son from the dead in Nain. So I guess that was a big enough event to make even those who weren't really aware of His deity pay attention.

The other thing that hit me - and I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before - was when John sent disciples to ask Jesus if He were the Christ. I have always wondered why He didn't just say, "Yes, I am." Instead He does lots of miracles in front of John's disciples and then sends them back to tell John what they had witnessed. It occured to me that if He had just said, "Yes, I am," John should not have believed Him. God doesn't ask us to believe without evidence. And one person saying something isn't enough either - the Old Law called for two or three witnesses to convict someone. So Jesus gave him lots of evidence.

Unknown said...

I really enjoyed of His blog, very interesting.
hug from Brazil!