Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day Four

Here we are almost at the end of our first week. You are doing great, ladies. Keep it up!


Qwert said...

Done for today - 2Chron 1-5

Did you know that the ark of the covenant was separated from the tabernacle - while in Israel under David's peaceful rule? I didn't. In 1:4, the ark is in a tent in Jerusalem and the tabernacle is in Gibeon, 5+ miles away. Got me thinking how the high priest worked on the Day of Atonement. Also went back to Exodus and the purpose of the tabernacle was where God dwells (25:8).

Solomon made huge cheribum in the Most Holy place before the Ark was put in. And the Ark also had cheribum on it (on the mercy seat).

And just like the tabernacle, God's glory approved the temple when it was done. Ready what Solomon did and the amount of precious metals and jewels, the artistic skills - it must have been a beautiful building.

Good day to you all

Drama Queens said...

Arrrggghhhh!! STILL looking for my book. I am hoping T didn't throw it away--he is REALLY good at putting things in the garbage right now. I will post as soon as I find it/buy a new one.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are my ways your ways"declares the Lord "as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" Is 55:8-9 ( A teensy peek to remember "than the earth" but otherwise all from memory)

The Lady said...

My reading today was Mark 9. In that chapter it says that Jesus began teaching them that He would die and rise from the dead. Then it says that they didn't understand what He meant but they were afraid to ask. I wondered why they were afraid. Maybe they were afraid of the truth - the hard idea that Jesus would really die. I can't imagine they were afraid of Jesus Himself, but maybe they thought He would rebuke them for not understanding. Just some random thoughts.

Audrey said...

I'm done with my questions for today.