Friday, January 29, 2010

Day Five

So here we are at the end of our first week and at the end of January. I hope you will all stay with me through this study. It's encouraging to me to see what you write each day - and to know that you are daily studying God's Word. Thank you.


The Lady said...

Today I read Mark 10. I've been noticing the emotional states of the people as I read. Today I read that the disciples were amazed and afraid as they walked with Jesus toward Jerusalem. They don't understand the rising from the dead part of the plan, but they are beginning to realize something really bad is going to happen. At the same time they are arguing about who is going to be the greatest. Maybe they were thinking Jesus was going to die and one of them would take over, as it were. Interesting.

Qwert said...

I forgot to post yesterday. Read 2Chron 6-9 - then this morning read 2Chron 10-12.

I noted in 12:14 Rehobaom's description of his life. I turned it around to be postive to meditate on today - She did good because she prepared her heart to seek the Lord.

Audrey said...

A day late, but my Sunday morning lesson is done.

Qwert said...

Audrey, you started the day late and ended up ahead - you go, girl!

Qwert said...

Done for today - 2Chron 13-16

I noticed reading Chap 13 that it didn't tell if Abijah was good or evil - based on the chapter I would have assumed good. So I went back to 1Kings and found out he did not follow the Lord.

Asa, in his old age, looked to man found reliance instead of God. A note to me to be careful I don't do that when I get old (many years from now (smile)).