Today's assignment is to answer questions 7 and 8. Have you been encouraged this week? Have you encouraged anyone? I was encouraged when Sarah called me on my way home last night offering to provide our dinner. I didn't happen to need it this time, but I think I smiled the rest of the way home. And then at our meeting, I was encouraged that the families with the young children made the effort to attend - even one without her husband. It helps me believe there is a future for the church here in Idaho when parents are committed enough to make the effort when it's really an effort. And again, since I was thinking about this topic because of this study, I was encouraged by the beautiful sunset that was developing as I drove home even before Sarah called. God gives us many blessings - some of which we can be too busy to notice.
Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Oops. I forgot the "and" at the beginning. lol
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works,
Heb 10:24
My most difficult thing about memory verses is the reference. And the word for word - guess my two most difficult things. I get the gist and the verse is on the left side of the page, second column, top third of the page. Isn't that good, too (grinning widely)?
Sorry I missed the last couple of days. I have caught up. I may be like this in the future, though. I am doing a bible study with Jannae each morning and I have a goal to read through the Bible this year. So I may not post every day. But I have read the last two days comments.
Debbie, are you skipping question 6?
Oops. I meant to assign 6 and 7. I guess tomorrow's ladies can answer 6. I was trying to decide which ladies should be blessed with three questions instead of only 2 and somehow mixed up the numbers.
OK, let's try this MV again
And let us consider one another to stir up love and good works Heb 10:24 I am forgetting the "in order" part!
7. In Rom 15:5 we are commanded to "spread the love" so to speak. We are supposed to continue encouraging one another and building each other up.
8.It is obvious in these verses how opposite Jesus'attitude was from the world's. We are supposed to consider others, making sure that what we do is with pure motives, not from selfishness or to make ourselves look better.
In reading today's lesson, I was struck by the point of Romans 15:5. I was talking to my uncle yesterday -- a contentious fellow who doesn't seem to know it. He was once again complaining to me that people in the church get really mad when he expresses a different opinion from theirs. He has never been able to see that constant disagreement (that almost seems to be for the sake of disagreement) makes others wary and also WEARY. Contention is a burden. We all have opinions that differ, but we still must strive to be like-minded -- we should strive to dwell on our common beliefs in Christ Jesus and let our more negative comments be fewer and kindly and carefully given. (Sorry. It was on my mind; I'll get off my soap box now!)
"And let us stimulate one another to love and good deeds." Heb. 10:24
-- I left off the "consider how to" part.
I know people like that too...ones who sound like they're disagreeing with you even when you're basically saying the same thing! I think many times they don't even realize that they have a habit of "contention". They would view it as trying to "discuss all sides" of an issue. But I is wearying (and predictable).
Here are my answers for the day, I completed mine before reading Sarah's...I think it is interesting to see what we come up with. :)
#7 - We are to use the encourangement from God to work towards being of the same mind together in Christ. We need to use this encouragement to accept each other and in the end grow God's kingdom.
#8 - The attitude of Christ is to be reflected in us. Christ put God's will first and put us first, even to death. We should in turn reflect on this and look out for the best interests of others with a pure heart. I also find it interesting that vs. 4 notes to "not merely look out for your own personal interests but also for the interests of others." I think the ALSO is important to note. I don't think God is asking us to neglect ourselves and our families as we take care of others, but we need to have a balance and humility to take care of each other best we can. I feel like Christ really shows in our life to the rest of the world when we managed to take care of our families, and also help take care of those around us, whether they are part of the church or not.
Good point, Brooke. We women tend to let ourselves become overwhelmed with responsibilites and it is usually our families who suffer. What kind of an example is that for outsiders? They already often have suffering families!
As I read through Philippians 2 I was wondering, "How did Christ achieve this attitude? How can I do the same?" How was He able to put God's will ahead of His own at such a cost? Then I thought about how He always only spoke the words God told Him to say. He only did the things God told Him to do. But how can I get there? Well, I probably can't totally get there on this earth but I think it has to do with how well you come to know God. Jesus really loved the Father. He really trusted the Father. He really knew the Father. This is what I need to strive for. Any other thoughts?
Done for today.
And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Heb 10:24
Ahh, all caught up! Thanks Debbie for typing out the WHOLE chapter for me!! I think I definately struggle with the whole attitude of Christ, of letting go of my own decisions of how things should be and instead just seeking God and his will, and then trusting it. SO many things to work on but this lesson is great, it's awesome to think that God is cheering me to keep doing my best.
My only thought was I need to surrender. I have been reading about Abraham. Today was him sacrificing Isaac. He didn't understand but he did obey. I was thinking how hard that would have been but continuing to trust in God (remembering the promise and concluding God could raise Isaac - although that had never been done before). so for me, I don't always need to understand WHY God tells me to do something but obey and do. And to do that is like Jesus - listen to God's words and do what He tells me. Love those words and love Him. Remember the Hope.
Okay - hope my thought are understandable - sounds a little rambling. Lots of thoughts - slow fingers.
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