Now that we have spent a couple of days looking at Who Jesus is, we will look at what He has done. I am so thankful for what He has done, but I sometimes wonder just as the psalmist did why He was willing to sacrifice so much for us. I don't really understand it, but I'm very thankful He did and that He continues to be patient with us as we stumble along.
Lesson Three, Day Three
1. Christ is the head and the church (Christians) is the body. This picture makes it very clear who's in charge. Christ is to be the one to control all the movement of the body, providing purpose, making the decisions, doing the thinking. If I picture my feet deciding on their own to walk someplace that my brain isn't telling them, it's a humorous picture...but not so funny when we see groups of Christians deciding to do things on their own that the head hasn't authorized. That's the body rebelling against the "brain".
2. Because Christ was raised from the dead, He conquered death so it can have no hold on the ones He redeems. Because He was raised first, we have the assurance of being raised with Him at the judgment.
3. It pleased the Father:
-that all the fullness should dwell in Christ
-to reconcile all things to Himself through Christ
-to make peace with us through the cross
Done for yesterday and today.
Caught up AGAIN! ;)
done for today and yesterday
You summed it up well, Ann.
Okay, I don't have a google account, so I guess I'll be anonymous.
1.Christ is the head and the beginning of the church. He is in first place, and He is the source of growth.
2.As first born and head, it was His position to be resurrected first. It is because He was resurrected that we will not be dead in our sins and our faith will not be in vain. We will follow in His lead.
3.All the fulness dwells in him.
God sent His image to teach us.
All things are reconciled to Him.
We are saved from our sins and
transferred to His kingdom.
Peace was made through His blood.
We have peace because of
our hope.
Everything is through Him.
We exist and continue to exist
through Christ.
Yea! Anonymous is here! Welcome, Trudy. Your answers were very comlete. You get an A. :) hahaha
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