Thursday, September 3, 2009

Assignment for September 3

While we are in Colossians 1, we are going to take a few minutes to study Paul's prayer. It's a great model for how to pray for others, reminding me of what my priorities should be.

Lesson Two, Day Four


3 Short Ones said...

Ahhh!!!!! I was on my last question and Drew turned the computer off! So, here I go much for being done early today.

#1 - Paul's "and so" seems to be referring to the Colossians and that they already have a strong faith, love and joy in Christ. He seems to be leveraging on this information and praying for them knowing their focus is already on these things and that their knowledge, love and joy might continue to grow. He does not want them to get discouraged. I would think he might also be encouraged by them and see what great potential they have to grow.

#2 - I noticed that Paul prays for the Colossians to "continue". He wants their knowledge, good works, joy, wisdom all to continue.

Save...and save often!

3 Short Ones said...

#3a- Paul's main request of God is that the Colossians grow in knowledge, wisdom and spiritual understanding.

#3b- There are many outcomes of increased knowledge and wisdom in God:
- their lives are more worthy of the Lord
- they will bear more fruit in good works
- they will grow in knowledge and wisdom
- their strength, endurance and patience will increase
- Thanksgivings to the Father will grow

#3c-Increased knowledge in God and Christ produce many good outcomes. With just a little knowledge and wisdom, we can be thankful, strong, and bear fruit, but for all of these area's listed above to really flurish, for us to continue to do God's work, we must continuing in our knowledge and wisdom. If we stop learning about God and Christ, we can only go so far with his good works. If we continue in knowledge and wisdom we have more and more resources to work with in which to produce good works. It seems to be a constant cycle that we need to keep working on.

#4 - Paul challenges me to pray not only for the specific needs of fellow Christians, but also for understanding and wisdom as well, so that as my fellow Christians face their specific challenges, they will also have the wisdom to handle those situations. Paul's prayer also helps me to remember to be thankful for the joy, love and understanding that my fellow Christians already have and to pray that this might continue.

3 Short Ones said...

Also, I am almost caught up with Tues & Wed. It has been a new kind of week for, work, all that!

The Lady said...

Yep, school forces you to be on a routine. I love being free from schedules, but usually by September I'm ready to be back on one. I just get more done that way even though I fight it.