Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Assignment for September 24

To fully understand what Christ has done for us we need to think about how it was before Christ came into our lives and how it is now. What a contrast!

Lesson Three Day Four


Drama Queens said...

yay for starting to finally get on a schedule! I love it when fall gets here and things fall into a routine!
Here are my answers:
1a: Key idea--making peace through Jesus' blood
this is developed through Paul's statements of how ONCE we were separated from God and were enemies but NOW we can be brought back because of Jesus' physical sacrifice.
b)kind of already answered this--but key transition words and concepts to me would be ONCE= separated/enemies
BUT NOW=reconciled
2a)words that help me better understand our sinful condition:
ENEMIES } these 2 together show me how apart we were (would have been) before Jesus' sacrifice
EVIL BEHAVIOR} This is the why we were separated--not from birth, but because we chose to act ungodly and were separated from Him
2b)I think it is a difficult concept for people mostly because they then have to own the fact that the alienation is their fault-it is due to a choice that they made to act in evil ways. It seems that people do NOT want to be told something is their fault, that is why so much of our country is content to say "I will believe what's right for me, you believe what's right for you"
3. Paul states that we are alienated BECAUSE of evil behavior-never because of material possessions/objects.
He also states that we are reconciled BECAUSE of Jesus--not due to any elite status and not only if we are among the elite.
4)BEFORE: dead in sin, followed the ways of the world, disobedient, gratified sinful desires=all of lived this way at one point.
NOW: BECAUSE of his great love-God made us alive in Christ. It is only by His grace and love (and of course our actions to accept this grace and love) we can be saved

Qwert said...

done for the day.

Sarah, I appreciated your answer to #3. I was a little stuck on this answer and had come up with something different but similar to yours.

spartan said...

Done for today

spartan said...

Oops, I just answered under Seth's google account...spartan is Tammy for today ;)

Jennifer Froelich said...

Done for yesterday and today.

I'm really enjoying this study and reading everyone's answers. It's a great blessing to be surrounded by such smart ladies!

The Lady said...

Hahaha I was wondering who in the world Spartan was. I thought maybe Trudy made that her name. hahahaha

SarahK said...

Done for today (and all caught up after my sister's visit!).

I'm with Julie on #3--I was a little stuck here. I was also stuck on #4. I am enjoying the study, but sometimes I have a hard time figuring out what the study author is getting at.