Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Assignment for September 16

Paul seemed to always do what was right. Maybe for him it was easier than for me. Or maybe it was just his attitude....

Lesson Four, Day Three


psychomom said...

Okay, I went back and read all the answers from the last two days...that helped me understand what she's asking a little's still some pretty deep stuff. Today, I had to read and read again the questions to get it...AND I did go back and read the intro again like she suggests. That helped on question 2 tremendously... Feel free to correct me if you think I'm way off on my thinking...I admit to remaining confused...

1. The nature of Paul's toil and struggle is that he is struggling to teach men about Christ "in all wisdom", to present EVERY man perfect in Christ Jesus.

2.Some words and phrases that Paul may be aiming at the false teaching of the day are:
-the mystery which has been hidden
-now has been revealed to His saints
-to them [the saints] God willed to make known th mystery
-[the mystery] which is Christ in you
-Him [Christ] we preach
-warning and teaching in ALL WISDOM
-that we might present EVERY MAN perfect [not just the special few]
-attaining to all riches
-riches of the full assurance of understanding
-knowledge of the mystery of God
-[Christ] in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
Paul is definitely trying to remind them that all the wisdom and treasure is through Christ and that it is for EVERYONE who is a saint

Tam said...

Done for today. I think a big point for me in question 1 is that while Paul suffers, he relies on God's energy to work through him (vs.29). It's not about how much Paul is accomplishing, it's how much he allows God to do through him. Relying on God for my energy to get through things is huge for me, I can't do it without Him!

The Lady said...

The only thing I would add to your answers, Ann, is the occasional "in the flesh" that Paul mentions. Gnostics believed flesh was evil so it would be impossible for Paul to do anything good in the flesh. Seems like it might be a little jab at their false teaching.