Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday, March 25

We are already in week four of our ten week study - almost half way through.  Good job, ladies!

This week we are going to look at knowledge and the example of Timothy's mother and grandmother.  Take a look at 2 Timothy 1:3-5 today.  It's a short passage, but gives us some ideas about what mothers and grandmothers are to be doing as faithful Christians.  List the things you see here that these women did and how you think they might have qualified themselves to do it.


michelle said...

Timothy's mother Eunice was a Jewish woman who believed and her husband was Greek and did not (Acts 16:1-5) that to me shows strong character and strength that she didn't just follow along with her husband beliefs and of course her mother Lois was also a believer and I'm sure had taught her. And her mother probably taught her and so on.

Amber said...

There is something to be said about these women whose faith was grounded upon their own search for the truth as oppose to following the beliefs of their spouses (which I’m assuming was pretty customary back then) I know I have been blessed beyond measure to have had the kind of love that Timothy’s mother and Grandmother was shown in my own life. Both my Grandmother’s as well as my mother have all been such a huge influence on my life as they have all in their own ways, taught me about Christ. One of my most prized possessions of my grandmother (who is still living) is an old bible of hers. Not only is it so worn so much that only a few of its leather threads are holding the binding together, but there is hardly a page in it that has not been written on or highlighted. Every time I pass by it, I think of how much she must have increased her faith each time she spent seeking knowledge from the scriptures, and all those hours spent, absorbing His word, moulding her to become the woman she is today.

I know for a fact that she has not taken anyone’s word for it, but has done the research herself. If it wasn’t for my Great Grandmother’s strong faith (despite her husband’s beliefs) and her influence on my Grandmother, and so forth, I could very well be like so many others, just a lost soul waiting for someone to love me enough to teach me the truth as Lois and Eunice did for Timothy.