Thursday, June 10, 2010


Oops! I forgot to blog yesterday! Sorry about that. I finished reading the Johns and Jude. John stresses loving your brother over and over again. One argument he makes is that you can't love God as His adopted child and not love your adopted siblings whom God also loves. Jude is more about respecting authorities established by God. I noticed a parallel here - We love our brother because God loves our brother, and we respect authority because God created it. Jude was especially appropriate at this time of political unrest. No matter what happens we are to respect the government, realizing that God established it and has a bigger plan than we can see.

Now to the future of the blog this summer. Let's just say that for the summer you are free to blog whenever you want. It sounds like we will all continue to do our daily studies, which is a very good thing. You ladies are a great encouragement to me. I love reading your comments and watching your growth.

Welcome home, Julie!!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

Finished for Thursday.