Tuesday, May 18, 2010


The Word of God is called our sword. It is how God speaks to us and it is also a wonderful tool. Sarah mentioned color coding verses yesterday in your Bibles to help find certain topics that maybe you need to use often. I do this. I only have three catagories. Pink is for the passages that are specific to women and wives. Green is for laziness (a continuing problem I fight). Yellow is for passages dealing with authority - useful when studying with non-believers. I'd love to hear if you do this and what catagories/colors you use. Bailee has noticed this in my Bible and will sometimes point out that I should highlight something because it fits into the catagory. Aren't kids great?


Drama Queens said...

Today continuing on with learning how God speaks to us through the Bible. There were a few interesting points brought out by the author that I think were good--if I learn scripture well enough to either know it in the moment or know where to turn--I can use it to pray and know that I am praying God's will--she uses the example of praying for one of her daughters so in my case I could say "Abby, I pray that you will be like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither" (Ps 1:3). I thought this was a neat idea and something that is useful in those times I am not sure what to think or what to say. The author also noted that if I believe God is in control and that God loves me then there are no crises--only circumstances sent by a loving God (or allowed to happen)to bring me closer to Him. Although obviously in time of difficult circumstance it is hard to think this way--I do think it will be a comfort to me. Also reminds me to take the focus off of myself and try to think--what should I be learning, and how can I glorify God?

Qwert said...

Read Is 17-20.

I don't color code but the idea is intriguing. I have two examples to consider. Thanks ladies.

The Lady said...

Sarah - did you happen to see the interview Matt Lauer did yesterday morning with the parents of two girls who were in a bus accident? It was really inspiring. One girl had died and the other was so banged up they mistook her for the dead girl. As the swelling and injuries began to heal and the living girl regained some ability to speak, they realized the mistake. As Matt interviewed them, their faith became very evident and showed in the way they had handled the situation and the way their family had grown through it. The mom said at one point, "People say that I am a strong woman, but I tell them I am not. I am a weak woman with a strong God." Wow. I want to always remember that.

Drama Queens said...

Oh I didn't see the Matt lauer episode! I pretty much only see maybe 2 hours of tv a week these days. (occasionally more if Aaron is working a lot). I have heard their story before. Maybe I will be able to watch it on hulu or something. I agree--that statement is a good one to remember very weak woman with a strong God.