Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Julie brought up a really important topic in her post yesterday. We have to be honest with ourselves for God to really be able to work in our lives. It is so easy to deceive ourselves! So how can you know if you are being honest with yourself? I would say the most important tool you have is prayer - the kind of prayer in which you really open yourself up to God and ask Him to see what He sees. He will often open your eyes in what I think of as layers. Maybe at first you will realize you have a problem in an area but it's not so bad. Than as you continue to pray about it you begin to realize that maybe it's worse than you realized - there have been consequences you hadn't associated with that problem. As you continue opening yourself to God He begins to show you the work you have to do. Maybe you will feel a little over-whelmed and ashamed, but don't give up! God is amazing and can do amazing things for you if you are willing to endure the process and grow. Painful? Yes - sometimes agonizing. Worth it? Absolutely. Of course all this assumes you are continually studying in His Word so you are allowing Him to teach you. And that's what we are doing! Our spiritual family is another tool we have to help us be honest. Be open to helpful criticism. Be willing to consider the possibility you could be wrong. It's OK. We are all wrong sometimes.

May we all have open eyes and honest hearts!!


Drama Queens said...

I fully agree, Debbie, that it is ok to be wrong--I am totally fine with other people being wrong and realizing and growing. But--it is REALLY hard for me when I am wrong. So so hard. But--I have to keep reminding myself that I am created just as everyone else is and I will mess up just as everyone else will. I am done for today--didn't get to 2 lessons, but I am back on track. My lesson is about God talking to us. I was a little leery at first but I think she had some good points. Obviously God wants us to communicate with Him--and not just in the random surface prayer. He wants us to wait for Him to help us make decisions. This is really really hard for me. I don't want to be a lazy person or considered to not be using what I have been given--so how do I know when to wait and when to act?? I don't think God speaks audibly-but I DO think I can be led if I study the Bible, pray, and...then what?? I am so stuck on this. I know we are given the Holy Spirit, I know we have responsibility to act and live our lives for Him by teaching people, looking for ways to show others what He is about, and teaching my children. BUT--seriously--how do you know when to wait and when to act? Maybe this isn't something I need to think about in everyday situations--but I think to when we were selling our house--I was praying and praying about making the right decisions, and that God would lead us to either stay in the house we were in or move. But, I never heard a voice or had an inkling of what to do. Obviously our house eventually sold but there were moments when I was wondering if we should just back out because it was turning into such a nightmare. Maybe since this is more superficial this sort of thing doesn't even matter?? ugh... Maybe I am making it more difficult than it is and I just need to know that all I am responsible for is doing my best and looking to consistently better what I think is my best. But--is there a way that God speaks to us in some form other than the Bible? I know HE answers prayer one way or the other but what about those times where you really don't know the right decision?
On a different note--Aaron is having surgery tomorrow (outpatient and supposed to be simple) so I won't be going to Bible class but should be able to post--prayers are appreciated for steady hands and minimal pain though! Thanks!

Qwert said...

Read the Book of Ecclessaties (sp?).

Sarah, it is difficult to know what the right decision is sometimes. But you said the best thing:

but I DO think I can be led if I study the Bible, pray,

I would add Trust in Him. I just finished the Proverbs and love 3:4-5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

You may make wrong decisions but relying on Him is never wrong and you will deal with the consequences of the decision. In the big scheme of things - as reading Eccl. - all is vanity under the sun. And the conclusion: Fear God and keep His commandments, for that is the whole duty of man.

Also, wrong decisions can teach us godly principles: patience, perservance, endurance, wisdom.

Will miss you all tonight and will keep Aaron in our prayers.

Drama Queens said...

Ahhh Julie! Another great verse for me to memorize--
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.
I think i need to break out my parenting with scripture book again and study it some for myself...it has such a great topical index and even though it is written to help direct your children--it totally helps me find verses too!