Friday, April 30, 2010

Fabulous Friday

Julie beat me again today. Tax season must be over. :)

In our Ephesians class last night we were discussing how the church shows God's wisdom. Have you ever really thought about this? You are a part of a plan conceived before the foundation of the world. You have been blessed with being part of something that shows to heavenly beings God's amazing wisdom. What a motivation to be spiritually mature! God has faith in you. So go have faith in Him.


Audrey said...

I used my morning at home from services with Morgan to catch up on my reading. All caught up now.

Qwert said...

I am early again - it is Monday morning.

Read Proverbs 5-9.

6:30-31 - I wondered 'why is this put in this place? Right between two passages of adultery?' My conclusion is that not all sin should you despise the sinner - there are reasons but there are still the consequences. However, with adultery that is not so - no reasons to commit this sin.

Chapter 7 - very good description of the temptation adn result of sin

Chapter 8 - Beautiful description of wisdom

Chapter 9 - Two voices are always calling out to us. v4 and v16 are exactly the same. So we need to hear the whole message to determine which voice to follow. Without knowledge of God's word, it is easy to follow the wrong voice.