Thursday, October 15, 2009

Assignment for October 15

What happened to my Wednesday ladies? I heard from Trudy who is still doing the lessons daily but can't seem to connect with a computer to post.

Today we continue our look at household commands - this time with master/slave and parent/child relationships. Now, not too many of you are masters, although your children might disagree about that, but many of you ARE parents so there are things we may be able to apply today.

Lesson Eight Day Four


psychomom said...

so sorry...I did my lesson and came on to post my answers (pretty early) and it wasn't up yet so I thought, "I'll come back later," then of course completely forgot! Again, I'm sorry. I'll go post them RIGHT NOW!

psychomom said...

BY THE WAY! your thursday and friday ladies didn't post last week and NOT A WORD...but I miss a day and you're all over that! :)

psychomom said...

okay...well...I WAS kidding, it sounded kind of whiny, huh? Anyway, done for today!

The Lady said...

You are so funny, Ann. I didn't mean to pick on you. hahahaha But hey, who else can I pick on if not you? From now on, I'll pick on ANYONE who doesn't post. Oh - Trudy is still doing her daily lessons. She wanted me to know that. I want you to know that. Now we all know that. ha!

The Lady said...

Okay, Thursday ladies. I'll cover for you, too.

This was a long one, wasn't it?

1. Obeying your parents is pleasing to the Lord. I can teach this by explaining how EVERYONE has to obey someone - even Jesus does. Then I can stress how this makes God, who loves us so much, happy.

2a. Children's obedience need not be overly difficult if the parents are submissive leaders and are not provoking. God isn't asking one part of humanity to do something and not the other part - we all have responsibilities.

2b. Inconsistent discipline, disrespect, lack of attention, harshness...

2c. We can encourage or discourage our children. The final choice of whether to obey the Lord is theirs; however, we can make it easy or hard for them to choose wisely.

2d. This does apply to mothers, but the fathers are the leaders of the family and so ultimately the Lord holds them responsible. I have also observed that fathers have more of a tendency to do this than mothers (except maybe in the teenage years, then it seems about even depending on the sex of the child). In addition, the fathers exert a very great influence over a child - especially in his/her perception of who God is. Fathers need to take great care with their children.

3. Slaves are commanded to obey from the heart while masters are reminded that they too have a Master.

4. Slave: any unfairness or harshness from the master will be avenged. That would be a great comfort to a slave. Masters: their authority is actually not unlimited - they also will answer to a Master so they should act wisely.

5. 5 times the Lord is mentioned. I need to remember to ALWAYS work as if I am working directly for God and lead as one who will answer to God for my decisions and attitude.

6. He is talking about a spiritual life here. The physical circumstances in which we live have to be considered but may not be changed immediately. I need to know how to conduct myself in my current situation.

7. Wives are to submit as to the Lord (similar to slaves - haha) Husband's leadership role is defined as a servant role. Chilren not only please the Lord but receive a blessing for their obedience. Fathers are not only to avoid provoking their children but are to bring them up in the Lord. Servants are reminded they will be rewarded for doing good. Masters are not to threaten and reminded God shows no favoritism - even to masters.