Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Assignment for October 13

Happy Tuesday, ladies. Today we look at what the author calls "household rules." Wearing our new clothes involves walking worthy of our calling. These "rules" teach us what that looks like.

Lesson Eight, Day Two


Qwert said...

Done except for the last one - it appears that the letter may have gone with the Ephesians' letter so that one hadn't been passed around yet. (that was my first thought - they had already read that letter) My next guess was that these were just reminders of things they were already taught (v(2:7) and examples of v3:17 (whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord). so looking forward to what others thought.

Qwert said...

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things above where Christ is sitting, at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden in Christ. When Christ appears, you also will .... Christ is our life.. in glory.
Col 3:1-4.

(that's what happens when you don't keep practicing every day)

Jennifer Froelich said...

1. What I see is a pattern of proper submission and authority: wives submit, husband’s exercise authority; children submit, father’s exercise authority; worker’s submit, master’s exercise authority.
a. Everything we do – whether as an act of submission or an act of authority – should be done with humility as toward Christ or Christ like.
b. It gives a very practical list of ways in which we who are in Christ must walk in Him.
3. Simple statements can be more effective when they follow truths already examined. I can talk to my daughter about all the reasons lying is wrong, for example, and all the different ways a person can lie. But later, rather than going through it all again, it might be better to just say: DON’T TELL LIES. It might stay in her mind better and cause her to recall the details we’ve already discussed. But perhaps more relevant to this letter, Paul has just detailed what it means to put on the mind of Christ – being unified and thankful, bearing with each other – these things obviously apply to these “household rules” perfectly.

The Lady said...

I had the same thoughts, Jennifer. So we must be right. hehe

psychomom said...

Thanks for the thoughts on #3, Jennifer...I wasn't sure what the answer was! Yours makes sense to me.Sorry I'm late to post...I did the lesson, but forgot to post!