Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Assignment for Septermber 23

Here we are at Wednesday and the longest lesson in the book. It's actually not all THAT long, but it is the longest, according to the author. Ann is VERY excited that she gets to blog on this day. I'm excited she gets to also! :)

Today we are looking at how we identify with Jesus. What things do we share? Good stuff!

Lesson Five, Day Three


Qwert said...

I haven't done my lesson but I am working on the memory verse.

As you have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.
Col 2:6-7

I will post later when I finish my lesson.

psychomom said...

Yes, I'm very excited to give my answers today!
1. The two huge assertions are:
-in Him dwells ALL the fulness of the Godhead bodily
-Who is the head of ALL principality and power
If Christ is ALL fulness of deity and has ALL power then there is no one else for us to listen to, just Him
2. The phrase "is the head of all principality and power" means that Christ has all authority and rule...He is our king and we should listen to Him alone.
3. Our spiritual deadness is from sin and trespasses against God, which separates us from Him, which IS spiritual death.
4. Spiritual circumcision was accomplished by Christ when He died on the cross, cutting off the "sins of the flesh", not the physical cutting off of the foreskin...circumcision of the heart.
5. The two parts of our spiritual circumcision are accomplished when we are buried with Christ in baptism (like His death) and raised with Him through faith to a new life (like His resurrection from the dead). Such a powerful and appropriate picture!
6. All the things done by God:
-raised Christ from the dead
-made us alive with Christ
-forgave all our trespasses
-wiped out the Law that was against us, nailing it to the cross
-disarmed principalitis and powers, triumphing over them
7. The powerful picture of verse 13 is that of God taking the Law and nailing it to the cross to make it void
8. Much the same way Christ was made a public spectacle when He was beaten, mocked, and His resurrection, He gained power over death and the forces of Satan, binding them, taking away their power...His ultimate triumph over them will be on the day of judgment when death is abolished forever!
9. While waiting for the ultimate victory in Jesus, how do we live while we wait?
-walk in Him
-built up in Him
-complete in Him
-buried with Him
-raised with Him
-alive together with Him
We live IN HIM, we cling to Him.

Tam said...

Done for yesterday and today

Jennifer Froelich said...

Okay, here goes:

"As you therefore receive Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in him, firmly rooted and built up in him, established by your faith, as you were instructed, with overwhelming gratitude." Col. 2:6-7

Not quite, but better than yesterday.