Good morning everyone. I am giving you a heads-up that tomorrow's lesson is the longest one in the book so you might want to set aside extra time tomorrow or do some of it today. I looked at breaking it up for you but Thursday and Friday lessons are already pretty good size.
Today we look at some warnings Paul gives the Colossian Christians that equally apply to us today. Satan has so many ways to trip us up!
Lesson Five Day Two
As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and grounded in the faith, as you have been taught,...something about thankfulness.
Hmmm. I'll keep working on it.
nice try! done for might know the longest in the book is on MY day!!!!!!!
"As you therefore have received Christ, so walk in Him, firmly rooted in Him and built up by your faith, so that ..."
I'm not there yet!
II. Verses 9-15: We are made complete by Christ, the Lord, who cancels our debt of sin.
III. Verses 16-17: No one should demand that Christians participate in Jewish rituals or traditions.
Verses 18-19: Don't be sidetracked by false "spirituality." Fight it by staying focused on Christ.
2a. The philosophies we should reject will be empty, deceitful, man-made traditions, worldly and base (elementary).
2b. Yes, there are many philosophies like this around today. They can be found everywhere: education, government, media, Hollywood, music and religion.
done for today
Done for today and yesterday.
I'm all caught up. Tomorrow I'll go in and post my answers from this past Friday even though it's way late.
Colossians 2:6-7 "Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in him and steadfast in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving."
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