It's FRIDAY!!!! And it's time to conclude our study on faithfulness.
I wanted to comment on Sarah's comments yesterday - the one about people saying Christians don't live in the real world. Isn't that interesting? People who don't know our God don't even see the real world. What a great delusion Satan has foisted on mankind.
Week 8, Day 5
oops, I beat you by just a moment, blog is on Thursday!
How are you all understanding this author's idea of supernatural faith? I keep thinking about it and wondering if it is really scriptural because she claims we have it AFTER we are born again, yet the Bible teaches we must HAVE faith to BE born again. I'm wondering if this concept is coming from the Calvanist idea that you can only be saved if you are predestined individually by God and He calls you and places faith in your heart.
Sarah - you asked about the spiritual armies that Elisha's servant saw in yesterday's reading. Those were the armies God had sent to protect Elisha and that had surrounded the physical armies sent by his enemy. Don't you think it would quite amazing to be able to see that?!?
Done for today.
It seems to me that the author believes we receive the same "amount" of the Holy Spirit that the apostles received. She keeps going back to the scriptures that promises it to them. If so, then it truly is miraculous as theirs was! I do believe that we don't know in this life all the things the Spirit does for us, and I don't pretend to have all the answers as to how the indwelling of the Holy Spirit works for us and in us today. But she keeps using the words miraculous and supernatural and I have trouble with that. Are we limiting God's power do you think?
I do believe that the Spirit can only live in us and dwell with us and help us if we're striving to do God's will and studying His word. I honestly don't know the extent of that dwelling or help, but I'm pretty sure it's not a miraculous thing.
AND, I have a real problem with her continuing to say that we can't have these attributes without God miraculously giving them to us. We are commanded to have agape love for one another, to show kindness, to show patience with each other, to be faithful, etc. These are all actions we are to DO. I believe we are fully capable of doing these things because of our faith and love for the Lord and for each other. We don't have to have God overpower us to accomplish it, but we do have to submit our own wills to His.
I feel I'm I making sense here?
I am still wondering, like you Debbie, what her background is and what exactly she believes on these subjects...
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