Thursday, May 14, 2009

Assignment for Thursday, May 14

Welcome to another great day of learning more of God's Word. Today we will look at the last two chapters of Galatians to see what we can learn about the Holy Spirit. I have a little problem with changing "flesh" to "sinful nature" because the word is "flesh." I don't think that is hard to understand. We have a fleshly part and a spiritual part. They tend to desire different things. When we use "sinful nature" we are saying something slightly different than "flesh." That idea comes from a belief that we are born depraved which is not a biblical teaching. Just my two cents' worth!

Enjoy your time with God.

Week Two, Day Four


psychomom said...

done for today :)

Drama Queens said...

Ok-I know this isn't much but it is all I have managed so far and I have to go to work-I will try to get the rest after work---

The Flesh
justified by law
desires contrary to Spirit
acts of the flesh (5:19-21)
comparing to others
sowing acts of the flesh=reap destruction
concerned w/outward appearances over Godly behavior

The Spirit
righeousness we hope for
serve one another in love
love neighbor as yourself
fruit of Spirit (5:22-23)
Restore gently a sinner
carry eachother's burdens
receive and share instruction
sow of spirit=reap eternal life
do good
boast in the cross of Jesus

I believe living by the flesh means to choose my desires and the concern of what others think over God's desires for me

I think living by the spirit menas to desire to serve God and ovey his commandments-live for God not myself

Jennifer Froelich said...

Done for today.

Audrey said...

Done for today.

Drama Queens said...

ok...finishing up...
1Jn 2:15-17=love of the world
1Pet 5:8=satan
Gal 5:19=acts of the flesh

Jer 17:9 says the heart is decietful

1Jn 4:4 paraphrased is You are a child of God and He is stronger than Satan and all things in this world

Spirit has given us all that we need for life and Godliness through our knowledge of Him

He has given us all we need so we can escape Satan and participate in Godly things

God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times havinga ll that you need, you will abound in every good work